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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. The LAPD is taking him serious, so I'll defer to them for now.
  2. He's had a long time to plan this out. I guarantee he's not where the LAPD thinks he is. And I'm sure he's not going to come after any more cops head on. He's already tried to steal a boat....he's headed to Mexico if he can get transport. The guy obviously flipped, and I don't condone killing in this manner, but I'd be willing to bet there is more truth than fiction to his manifesto. The family of the kid who he was defending and claimed the LAPD was brutalizing has already backed up his statements. Obviously, they aren't advocating the violence, but they said everything he mentioned was true. How long before the movie?
  3. Mods lock it up. This car is SOLD. I know, right? It was a lot of trouble because I didn't go to a dealer (allegedly)....and I got more than my OR asking price.
  4. Not worth the salt build up. I'll pass.
  5. This shit again. This is going no where..and it's coming from Biden. So, yeah. He didn't say he WOULD...he said he COULD. Just like I could take a shit on my front lawn. I COULD, but I probably won't.
  6. InyaAzz

    Smart guns?

    Cancel Christmas?
  7. Because $600 more > $600 less. Is that hard to understand? If you only came here to low ball and thread crap, you've succeeded. Can we keep this thread to serious offers and inquiries please?? Thanks for stopping by.
  8. Yup..there's a lien. And nope, you won't get it for 10k. I can take it to a dealership for 12K.
  9. Bump. Updated price. Someone buy this thing before I roll it into a stealership.
  10. This is a broken record. I can't believe people are falling for the same shit....again.
  11. I'll probably snag one with the Black Friday sale @ Sprint.
  12. What are we gonna do about the serial numbers on our bullets? I mean, I'm pretty sure that already happened.....right?
  13. It only took me one wrecked shin, some broken bones and a totaled bike to learn that lesson. Standing your bike up to avoid gravel in the middle of a turn is a bad idea.
  14. 'Tis the season for ORDN. This is usually when I hibernate.
  15. You can just drift right through that corner and hope the rear hooks up on the other side.
  16. Focused on the troll statement...disregards a chance to learn history. Got it.
  17. Don't feed the trolls. Having said that...I'd advise everyone to go research world history and humanities, before you start ranting on how 'bad' one particular religion is. Pot...meet kettle.
  18. When I look over the side of the road and all I can see are the TOP of the trees, I'll check my 'fast guy' pass at the door.
  19. Timely thread. I'm thinking of ditching my Evo Shift for an S3...or maybe the Note II. I'll have to go to the brick and mortar and play with them for a while. I think I've finally decided to ditch the sliding keyboard...even though my big fingers typically hate soft keyboards. I considered an iPhone, but I'm not a fan of Apple's walled garden.
  20. I resemble that comment! In my defense, I was full of fear and common sense. And, I was riding a new bike. I was still coming to grips with the suspension, shorter wheel base and upright stance. I hadn't quite made that leap of faith yet. But yeah, I was scared shitless.
  21. No issues with oil consumption. The car was well taken care of before I purchased it, and I've treated it the same way. The engine belt was replaced early this year since it was coming up on the maintenance schedule. Oil changes were done on a regular basis.
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