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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. Another great post. Oh wait..I wouldn't know greatness if it slapped me in the face.
  2. InyaAzz

    Afro Down!

    Um damn. Glad you're ok !! You're damn lucky. And yeah..I know what the slo-mo thing is all about. One of my first thoughts as I was upside down and looking at my bike coming right for me...was DAMN this thing is gonna land on top of me. And then when it hit the tree I was like DAMN..this thing is fucked up!! Time truly does slow down.
  3. I like Mr Paul..will have to watch this when I get home. That cock sucker InyaAzz is blocking youtube at work. oh...wait..
  4. HA!! This is his neg rep for my "Well said" post: "You wouldn't know well said if someone hit you on the head with it T43" This guy is great!!!! He doesn't use rep as a weapon...but is clearly dishing it out. LOL. And for the record, I don't neg rep people. I think I've done it maybe once or twice for someone that was COMPLETELY out of pocket and needed to be banned. Hi Todd!! I love you too.
  5. Be safe bro..and if there's a bright spot...at least you're not going to Afghanistan.
  6. I just had mine replaced a few months ago..it was going tits up...even after a complete wipe and restore. I'd love the Palm Pre or maybe even the HTC, but damn if I'm going to drop a couple hundred for it. But I can't see me leaving Sprint any time soon because of the player price we get for SERO (Fair and Flexible).
  7. I just LMAO at work. Rep for you silly man.
  8. Yup..the twisties make you get out of your seat, plus your concentrating on the turns and hazards and what not. It makes a long ride....not so long. A straight freeway shot? TORTURE
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