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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. The day AFTER I buy a new rear and have it mounted.
  2. That was in case someone's bike came up missing. You know...so you guys had a photo of suspect numero uno. ZING!!!!!
  3. I'd probably wager that applies to MOST people.
  4. I saw them loading their pockets before we left.
  5. That's exactly how I rode...best way to do it if you wanna learn without being bored, IMHO. The trick is to KNOW when you are above your head, and try not to play 'catch the leader'. Good job!
  6. That would be our resident porn star, Eric.
  7. I love Mike's KTM..never get tired of seeing it! Tod...you are SOOOO lucky I wasn't there for the second loop and the closure of the Ivy. There is NO way you would escape the razzing that would have ensued!! I'm glad you guys had a safe ride. And my shingina says thanks. I told Jinx that I fixed a big problem I was having with corner entrance speed. It was actually thanks to you....the last ride we did I think. And yeah..there was a psycological issue but I think that's been nipped. The other major factor is...the rear tire of the 08 ZX10 is one grippy SOB. I liked the 2CT's, but I feel way more confident on the 016. Eric has definitely improved from last time!! BIG BIG difference! I tried to stay in the middle...far enough back to let the warp speed guys ahead, but close enough to keep them in my sight. It didn't always work out..traffic..slower bikes..etc. Plus, I'm a little leary of having too many people behind me that I've never ridden with. It seemed to all work out well for the most part..except for a certain someone trying to pass on a curve.
  8. I have issues with my throttle hand..due to some serious joint degeneration. It cramps and BURNS from the constant throttle action and grabbing the break lever. I moved the brake lever down towards the ground, which kept me from rotating my wrist back towards me to grab it. It's saved me lots of pain. I know your issue is due to surgery...but I thought I would chime in in case it could offer you a little relief. Me too! Nice meeting you ...hopefully we can ride again soon. lulz!
  9. Wow..sorry to hear about what happened. I got part of the story when we were out riding. It sucks you got left, but I will say that the guys you rode with were concerned about you. Hopefully...it's a lesson learned and no one got hurt.
  10. I had a great time today guys and gals...nice meeting everyone. I want to hit these roads again...just minus the gravel. This way a nice way to send my rear tire to tire heaven.
  11. +1 on that +2 on that I was cooking through the corners...right behind the first group. I kept checking my mirrors for Eric ...especially after I took a few corners that I knew were trouble for anyone at speed. All of a sudden...there's no traffic. No bikes...no nothing behind me. I had just went around that car/whatever...and all I kept thinking was...uh oh. You know that feeling when you know 'something' is wrong...but you don't know what it is yet? So I'm sitting in the road..slowing down ..PRAYING for Eric or ANY bike to come behind me. Nothing. I look ahead and the insanely fast group has left me. I turn the bike around and ride up back..and I'm like Ohhhh fuck. Someone went down. Luckily everyone was on 2 feet..except a certain someone....but we fixed that with a power bar. LOL
  12. Nope! Not at all. Everyone should/will know that if someone is behind you they may want to pass. If I see anybody on my tail I'll wave em ahead. See you tomorrow!
  13. Nah....no problem with Novice riders..I just asked because *some* novice riders may take the route at a much slower pace..which they should. I don't have a problem waiting...in fact I insist it. But if a novice rider starts to play keep up because they are feeling bad at being slow or get in above their head...bad things can happen. Bring that KTM!!!
  14. Well then it shall be what it will be. I'm getting excited. I think I got wood thinking about this during a small nap earlier. Coulda been KFC...not really sure.
  15. You need to diversify your bonds n___a! Love the Wu. True Hip Hop. I miss ODB.
  16. Did you have novice riders last time? If so..then yuuuuttt uggghhhh!!!!!
  17. I heard UP put a KFC waypoint in his GPS. Hmm..you bring up a good point. We may get to the point where we want to beat feet back home. I think I'll stock up on granola and nut snacks with a bottle of water...or sugar free red bull to get my wings. Cept thats gross when warm, so maybe I'll wait for those two at the gas stops. I'll just shove my snacks under my cowl...if I don't have to deal with a back pack that works for me.
  18. I won't be riding at warp speed since I don't know the roads...so I envision myself somewhere around the middle of the pack. Hell I could be last. Oh wait, R1Crusher's not coming. Whether it's natural or forced...def need two groups.
  19. His mom just woke up and said he could come. I gave her $10 for the cab fare. ZING! See Eric..this is what happens when you don't post.
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