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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. I'm gonna go attach my sidecar now so dude can ride shotgun. I think leaving at 11 is pushing it...from the BP in Westlake to Fairlawn is 38 miles, and then another 25 miles to Starbucks. I don't want to have to feel rushed to get there. We could do it..but we'd have to do a rolling stop in Fairlawn. What do you think? 11? 10:45? Whatever time we choose, we'll be at the Fairlawn exit in 30 minutes, and then another 15 or so to Starbucks. So dude, add 30 minutes to our start time and that's when we'll come put you in the side car.
  2. I'd ride both days if I could..but I've got a whole day of stuff planned already with the boys. I know we'll be doing this again real soon, so next time.
  3. No man left behind. Dude, we'll come pick you up. Can we get to Canton before 12, or do we need to leave BP a little earlier?
  4. I don't drink coffee, and I'm not looking to stand around in a parking lot. So...if anyone wants to do that I'll wish you the best of luck and tell you how it was when I get back.
  5. This sounds like a plan. Leave there at 11am sharp. So if you know you like to procrastinate, just plan on being there at 10:30. I don't want to leave anyone, but we can't hold up the Canton area folks..this way it's fair to everyone.
  6. Let's make it a firmer time if we can..just from experience...The sooner we get started the better for me (kids at home). Dude, where we wanna meet? Where are you coming from? Can us CLE'ers get the exact address of the Starbucks, so we don't end up at the wrong one?
  7. Actually the turnpike is quicker for me, but if we have CLE folks somewhere around 90 I don't mind heading across 90 to meet up.
  8. I'm way west...in Lorain. I'll be coming east on 90. I can meet anyone along the way.
  9. InyaAzz

    ride starter

    Sunday Canton area ride. There's a thread out there. If I didn't have kids sitting at home, I'd ride out to the flats and hang all night tonight. Alas, responsibilities call. Grocery shopping and what not. I'm gonna butter the kids up on Fri and Sat, so when I'm gone all day Sunday they can't complain.
  10. I'm down for Sunday. Krz, I'm 90% sure I'm in. I've never been on any of these roads either..and I'm not looking to break any land speed records on unfamiliar roads....so it's cool curby.
  11. Well, you now know that a lot of back brake pressure is a bad thing. Heal up soon.
  12. This again? Seriously, I have to roll my eyes when the first post and the article have absolutely nothing to do with each other. Not taking away from the discussion above, because there is some truth in what everyone is saying... but..still...thread=fail.
  13. I'd prefer to get an early start on Sunday..between 10 and noon, seeing as i have another hour approx to get back home. Maybe 12-5ish, leaving the Canton area around 12. This will get me home by 6.
  14. Well, I can sweet talk the fam into a few hours...as long as I shower them with kindness on Saturday.
  15. I think I see what may have been the problem. Casper, feel free to chime in here, because this would have occurred on your end. When I was getting emails, it came from admin@ohio-riders.net. Now, the email address is admin@ohioriders.net. I don't know if this is a cosmetic change (I didn't look at the header) or something deeper.
  16. You're lucky I never got an email that told me you typed this!!
  17. Me too Seems like it's working again..and it was isolated to roadrunner.com
  18. The first step is admitting you have a problem.
  19. Good workhorse of a shotgun right there. Good luck and free bump.
  20. I'm gonna call her right now and try it.
  21. Well, she may kill me if I take it because she's trying to sell it.And she can't claim less than 1200 miles on it if I take it to the border ..or wherever. Anyone got $3400 laying around?!?
  22. I have an 08 Ninja 250 at my disposal...Hmmmmmm
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