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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. My 2 cents... Samsung or Panasonic. Both are king of the hill when it comes to Plasma. For those out there with no budget restrictions, the Pioneer Kuro is the best bet. But for us mortal people, The Sammy's and Panny's are much better than the LG's and Vizio's. Can you get an LG or Vizio that will make you happy? Sure. Would I spend that kind of money on a gamble...when I can pick up the Sammy or Panny and be pretty much assured I'll be happy? Probably not.
  2. Let's not start the 1080p debate. Whole nuther subject. Anyways..I've had all three..LCD, DLP and Plasma. If I was going for picture quality (because I love correct black levels), I would go with the Plasma. LCD's have ok blacks, but only the most expensive ones match Plasma. If I were looking to put a smaller TV in a smaller room (where heat could be an issue)...or if glare was an issues, I would consider LCD. Maybe. If cost was an issue I would look at DLP..BUT be aware that you may end up replacing a bulb...and they ALWAYS go out when it's least convenient.
  3. Damn right. Bitch got what she had coming to her.
  4. Even black people are like..WTF?!? This is garbage. Where's the Brown Eye browser for the latinos? How about the Yellow Stain for the asians? If you're gonna be an asshole, might as well go full circle. Whoever created this needs to be shot.
  5. You can give 110% without full court pressing a handicapped school that you're beating by 100 points.
  6. I read this article early this AM. I don't have a problem with them beating this 'handicap' school. (developmentally challenged..whatever..you know what I mean). What I DO have a problem with is, that this coach and team were cheering the players on the closer they got to 100. AND they continuously rained unnecessary 3's all game long. It also sounds like they were in a full court press all game long. Come on. Really? You're up 90-0 with 2 minutes left and you're in a full court press? Assholes. I also see Mark Cuban is bringing the losing team to his suite for some NBA action. Good for him and them. I'm not into the 'pussyfication' of kids..but this was taking it WAY too far. You're gonna win some..and lose some. And this team sounds like they lost quite a bit..but there's a difference between getting your ass handed to you be a better team and taking advantage of a team you know you'll beat. Are you supposed to lose on purpose? Of course not..but the way you win is just as important as winning itself.
  7. I agree 100% with you. I am merely saying and responding to those who just feel that killing them without the government presenting some sort of case against them is A-OK. As far as the the folks at Gitmo..does anyone really believe the government was 100% correct on every individual there? I know it's easy to say..well, the safety of our country trumps locking up a few innocent people...but really? Is locking up someone without presenting a case against them really helping or hurting our cause? Again..sounds too much like what this government used to do to it's own citizens, without hesitation. The bake sale and falafel classes are the best idea I've heard so far.
  8. I agree with both of you. Prison should not be a place to hone your skills or become a beast in the gym. Nor should I have to bankroll your extracuricular activities while you're there. My comment to max power was dripping with sarcasm. A criminal is a criminal, a murderer is a murderer, whether they planned 9/11 or shot someone at 7-11 in the head. There is no difference. They deserve to be punished the same..whatever our society determines that punishment should be. I just can't get into the 'treat muslim or arab criminals (or those SUSPECTED of crimes) one way' and 'american' criminals another way. Sounds too much like the 60's and prior times to me.
  9. We should apply this to all the prisoners in our jails too, huh?
  10. You might want to download Hijack This too. A friend got one of those from some P2P networks..it had too many hooks into the system. It disabled the firewall...disabled auto updating...I finally just had to wipe the system clean. It may take a combination of tools. You''ll be lucky if SpyBot is all you need. Good luck!
  11. Well, they're ALREADY pissed at us. Their families are pissed at us. The damage has been done already. By keeping them locked up, all we are doing is sending a message to the world that our own laws don't mean shit. I think that's Obama's point here. Show the rest of the world that we are not hypocrites (we are) , and process these people if we can produce proof, otherwise they deserve to be released.
  12. +1 That's the problem..the government most likely knows of a small percentage in Gitmo that has blood on their hands, and the rest are probably a question mark. Do they deserve to be in jail because the government has a 'hunch'? Hell no. That makes us no better than countries like Iran. Unfortunately, the damage is done. You might as well keep the ones you can charge, and let the others go because if they didn't hate the US before, they damn sure do now. You can't lock someone up for life because YOU fucked up or have a hunch. Regardless of what they are suspected of.
  13. People need to ask themselves..if the government has the information to prosecute these people..why haven't we seen it yet? You can be assured that not everyone that has been locked up is guilty. BUT now that they have spent a considerable amount of time in a US jail for no apparent reason other than being Muslim, they will foster and sow hate towards this country. Who's fault is that? (General question to everyone) These secret jails and the one in Cuba do nothing but foster hate and distrust around the world. In a way, they are counter productive. As far as the torture goes, I'm kinda half way on that. I'm 100% positive that we have gotten actionable intelligence from torture, but I don't agree that every suspect should be tortured (if that makes sense). Just because you're muslim and MIGHT be affiliated with Al Qaeda is not enough to justify torture in my eyes. Just my opinion. I say, if there is anything on these people, run them through our justice system. Holding someone indefinitely without being charged because they happened to be the wrong color or religion or in the wrong place at the wrong time is counter productive.
  14. When I read this the other day, my first thoughts were, they're fucking with something they don't fully understand. Sounds like they detonated their own weapon/delivery system prematurely.
  15. I can't wait for the riding season to start so we can all get back to being asphalt terrorists.
  16. No..I got what you were saying..I just was on my soap box for a second. And you're right..most twenty year olds could care less about where their tax money is going. I know I didn't. I was cool as long as they didn't outlaw drunken sex in the dorms.
  17. Ugh..labels just divide us. There are very few of us that are true 'conservatives' or 'liberals'. Churchill's quote reinforces that. I wouldn't be surprised if most people are a lil bit of both, depending on the issues.
  18. InyaAzz


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