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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. Happy Bday. I think I met you briefly at the IMS show. I was the one with the business card in my hoodie.
  2. Let me know if you've got one for sale or know someone.
  3. Glad you made it back. Shhhhhhh!! on the rims!!
  4. The traffic to just get near the IX was out of control!
  5. Ok...just about done with work. I might be there around 2, but I won't be staying long.
  6. I was giving you a hard time. If I remember, you said brand names don't mean anything, but in the next sentence you slammed an entire brand.
  7. Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt.
  8. Ok..this will be my last post cause I don't want to turn this into a tech war...but I HAVE to say a few things. First, there are LCD's on the market that consume more power than Plasmas. Your statement isn't entirely true. Second, The whole longevity issue..is a NON issue. This was true when Plasmas were FIRST introduced to the market, but technology has advanced by leaps and bounds since then. This is no longer a factor. Third, I do agree with you that you need to check reviews of every TV to see where they stand. The exception being the Pioneer Kuro. If you've ever owned one, you'll know what I mean. But yes..most companies buy their panels from a few select factories..and then throw it in their cabinets. Just because a TV says Sammy doesn't mean it's going to be good...but this advice goes for ALL consumer purchases. You need to do your research and find out WHICH MODELS are performing better than the rest. Last, you heard that plasma factories are closing down. Do you know why, or bother to find out? It's not because Plasma is dead..it's because it's MUCH cheaper to buy the panel from someone else! Basic Econ. If I can buy it cheaper from someone else than it costs me to produce it...it's a no brainer. Again, more FUD.
  9. I MIGHT make it still...but I'm not sure what time. It will be in the afternoon though.
  10. First off...just use water..no need for a special cleaner. I wouldn't put windex near my TV. Too caustic. Second, I've seen side by side comparisons of HDMI vs Component. I don't think you'll notice a difference. There are too many factors to consider...distance, source material, cable quality, device quality, etc. I think the biggest advantage of HDMI is that there's one cable for video and sound. Maybe you need one more cable for Dolby digital depending on your setup. Truth be told..it's not cut and dry. Experiment if you can. You can get excellent quality cables for CHEAP at monoprice.com. I buy all my cables there...no issues...and I'm a picky audio/videophile.
  11. This is fear mongering at its best. There is no BAN on Plasma's coming..it's a ban on energy inefficient TV's, not matter the technology. Does anyone REALLY think that the manufacturers won't correct any issues in their sets before 2010? Here's a link from CNET for a review that shows newer plasma's using the same amount of energy, and even LESS in some cases, than Plasma: http://reviews.cnet.com/4520-6475_7-6400401-3.htm It's not JUST Plasma, so please don't spread this FUD.
  12. I'm out. I've got to work Saturday AM and I don't think I'll be making it to the bar.
  13. He was fired for going against the school publicly. And yes, he should be ashamed of himself for having his girls shoot 3's and pressing full court against a school that hadn't won a game in 4 years...when they were up 59-0 at the half. Yes, you're supposed to do whatever it takes to win, but they were in NO fear of losing the game.
  14. You just shat all over your own advice.
  15. That might be jumping the gun a bit dontcha' think?
  16. I'm pretty sure that a BJ at the christmas party, depending on who was actually on the giving end, would have worked wonders for your reviews. I'm just sayin'.
  17. Thank you kind sir. This will come in handy when I absolutely could care less about my skull.
  18. Where can I get that black helmet at :20 secs of the first video? I need to scare some little kids.
  19. If this is true, it's sounding more and more like this is a good idea. Let's say it IS true..the previous administration HAD to have known at some level. And you wonder why some people don't trust the government.
  20. I have two Plasma's...a 42 and a 50..and they have PS3's and 360'x attached to them. No burn in. They both come with a 'wipe' mode just in case. Again, someone else mentioned it..if you buy a decent recent model plasma this is a non issue. If I go buy an LCD without doing my homework and I come home with a model that has a known problem....who's fault is that? I'm not trying to down play the burn in issue...but all it takes is a little research to find out which models do and don't suffer from it.
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