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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. Their crack heads aren't winning any contests either. Man..20 years ago (AutoWorld days.. what a concept for a theme park) I was hanging out in downtown Flint (Copa) ...and doing things that made me smile and feel all tingly inside. This idiot called the cops to report that the care HE stole, was stolen from him. I won't even mention that he tried to run his debit card for an 8 ball.
  2. The largest penis ever measured was 8ft, and it belonged to a killer whale.
  3. I think MS should release the damn patch to fix the care package glitch!!! That's what I think!
  4. I couldn't stand Time Warner cable and the nickel and diming they did..plus their buggy gimped receivers. I switched to DTV and never looked back. I pay about $85/month after all taxes, second receiver, DVR, etc. Basic package with the HD stuff thrown in. Even with the risk of weather related outages (happened twice over 6 years now), I still have more up time than I had with TW...and couldn't be happier. When you're a new customer, you're bill will be considerably less for the first year or so. I think I was paying around $50-60 for the first year.
  5. I guess the best thing out of that, is that you learned something from the experience. And that you've managed to keep this thread derailed...which I'm happy about.
  6. InyaAzz


    OH JOY Weather.com just sent me a winter storm warning for tomorrow. 6-9 more inches west of Cleveland. We're talking snow, not porn. Enough already.
  7. My taxes haven't gone down...I'm not happy, and we will continue to jack your thread as we see fit.
  8. ..with the Obama scorecard signature.
  9. The only way I could get rid of my house is to burn it down right now. The neighborhood has gone to shit in the last 5 years...and I'm so upside down in my mortgage, if I shit right now, it will slide down my stomach and into my mouth. Renting my house out and renting my own place is NOT an option.
  10. And she went after Obama for using a teleprompter (EVERYONE uses one..no one is debating that).
  11. This is what I was going for: http://www.hulu.com/watch/126490/saturday-night-live-rahm-emanuel
  12. How would you start/stop this thing on a moving bike, with gloves on?
  13. http://ravensu.blogspot.com/2010/02/snl-skit-of-rahm-emanuel-retarded.html
  14. I hear ya..Justin. I feel the same way. This has got nothing to do with party affiliation either...she just doesn't have a clue and is riding partisan rhetoric for popularity. She writes her own belief's on her hand!!! Shouldn't you already KNOW what your OWN beliefs are? It's like she's riding the whole attractive MILF ticket...and nothing else. I haven't heard anything she's said that speaks on what the Tea Party stands for. All I hear is Dem/Obama bashing.
  15. Nice looking ride. If you'll take Haitian children in trade, I could hook you up. Alas..my cash is tied up elsewhere.
  16. As a Lions fan, I'll have to admit the Brown's outlook is a little brighter than the one in Detroit. I wouldn't go as far as to say their fans aren't above wearing bags on their heads..but the end of the Browns season offers a glimmer of hope.
  17. Ok..she says a run for President is not out of the question...MY question is, if she left the top job in Alaska because of the financial hardship and the toll on her family (which, I can understand)...what's she gonna do if she becomes the President and her whole family and every single move they make is under a microscope? She's going from the sauna, to the oil vat where fry's are made in McDonald's.
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