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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. If yours was off by 17MPH at lets say 80Mph, that's a 20% difference!!!!!! Let's say you went 4000 miles...hypothetically of course....that would mean you only went 3200 actual miles. The faster you go, the higher the ratio is. On, lets say...a track..you would be in the higher ratio range the majority of the time.
  2. I think a semi Chinese president will be interesting for our debt situation.
  3. No one is saying they have weapons, but ehy have the capability to enrich to weapons grade levels. Their efficiency may be slightly exaggerated, but that's my point. They are TRYING to make Israel throw the first punch. If Israel strikes first, they're not going to find a lot of support outside of the US. Even the US is going to distance themselves from that. That's all Iran needs...that will be the reason to say ..BOOM...here's the bomb. See?? We need it because of Israel's aggression. I'm telling you..Iran has thought this out very very carefully. They might be a little crazy (relative), but the Persians are FAR from stupid.
  4. Would you please come piss on my tires..kiss my bike...something!
  5. Settle down cowboy...go back and re read my posts.
  6. Refurb stuff can be a great value...especially if you have an idea of why it was refurbed. Sometimes it's something as simple as a firmware issue!
  7. that's why getting in the event log will help. Right now we're all throwing out ideas ...and not really narrowing down much.
  8. He's a calculating bastard. One thing's for sure, every move Iran makes is well thought out before hand. The worst thing Israel could do is launch a preemptive strike. This is EXACTLY what Iran is waiting for. When that happens, THEN they will say that they need a nuke to defend against Israel. Please...bookmark this link and mark my words.
  9. Dell might have some sort of diagnostics you can download and boot into. Not sure. Sure sounds like hardware to me. Boot into safe mode with networking, and see if the same thing happens. Press F8 after the BIOS is complete and before the Windows splash screen comes up (during the reboot process). I've seen PC's do this with bad blocks on hard drives too. A look at the event log could tell the story.
  10. This is getting better and better. Almost good enough for me not to go shower my sweaty balls.
  11. Ok. Sounds like Windows is your problem. You could have some hardware going bad. Have you checked your event log?
  12. Good point. Someone tell the NSA.
  13. Have you looked at your processes? CTRL-ALT-DEL, then Task manager. Sort on the CPU column. Is one process hogging up all the cycles?
  14. That's kinda my point..same techniques, just using different technology.
  15. You might not have a malware problem (if you did, Norton ain't gonna do shit for you)...but it doesn't hurt to scan. Firefox is still my primary browser, but only because it's more flexible than Chrome. FF has become VERY bloated. Chrome is FAST. Fucking FAST...but it doesn't work with a lot of sites.
  16. bastard..it's pick on me day I guess.
  17. THANKS Ok, so he said no wiretaps...this clearly isn't a wiretap, BUT it's an invasion of privacy...of sorts. The NSA has been doing this, and worse for a long while now (ISP's). So, even though this is a 'newer' technology, it's the same old shit.
  18. This is the piece I'm missing. I didn't realize the administration promised to revoke this type of stuff....hence all my questions.
  19. This is my question...DID Obama even SAY that? I'm not saying he did or didn't....I honestly don't know. That's why I'm asking. Because if he didn't, then I'm just chucking this thread into the usual bullshit pile. If he DID say it..then he's full of bullshit himself. I'm sure the minions are mining the internet as I type this.
  20. The shit works..better than any other I've tried. And I've been through them all. Keep a copy on a USB stick in case you get one of those nasty ones that likes to redirect you when you go to the internet. This thing has cleaned some nasty shit...without going into safe mode. And I'm totally with you...the name is fucking cheesy, but I swear by it. Makes you wonder...is it so good at cleaning ....because the folks behind it have some 'insight'? If you get my drift...
  21. Casper, in my opinion, the small tweaks like these are WAY more meaningful then upgrading the forum code when you don't have to.
  22. I totally agree. My point is that the OP said this was supposed to 'change', implying that Obama was going back on his word. And yes, maybe it's splitting hairs in a sense, but this is clearly two different techniques we're talking about. Yes...both are shitty if you ask me, but did Obama specifically go back on his 'word'? I don't see where this is the case..and if it exists please, someone, prove me wrong. I like to deal with facts..not half-truths.
  23. I'm not a USB expert at all..but aren't most/some devices going to require their own proprietary cable/adapter to be able to initiate the charge? Not a big deal...but it's worth noting if this is the case.
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