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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. This administration, as far as I can tell, isn't any different in that regard from previous administrations..especially after 9/11. So, I have to ask..again..is this something the President said was going to 'change'?
  2. Not a fan of privacy infringement...but where did Obama say this specifically was going to change? Just curious. Cause if he said it, and went back on it, obviously he's got some 'splainin to do.
  3. Have you tried superantispyware.com? I know it sounds cheesy...but man, it's cleaned EVERYTHING I've thrown at it. Trust me, when I first found out about it, I was like..yeah..right. I'm not going to THAT site.
  4. All I know is Courvoisier is a guilty pleasure of mine...I'd take on for the team if Pelosi would give me free cognac.
  5. +1 to those above. I'll add Avira (except for the splash page that prompts you to pay for the full version). I am a big fan of Comodo for firewalls/AV...but I'm an even bigger fan of Online Armor. It will do it all...and just a week or so ago they gave the full version away for free at giveawayoftheday.com. Both Comodo and Online Armor take something as complex as a firewall, and make it easy to use for those folks who don't normally deal with that stuff. Online Armor is highly rated..and to be honest, I'd pay full price for the full version. Comodo was great too, but it wouldn't work with PlayOn, and I got tired of waiting for an update to fix it. Oh yeah..if you need to clean malware, superantispyware.com has fixed everything I've thrown at it. I can't say the same for Spybot and the like.
  6. No fair taking a shot at me while I'm hard at work fixing ohiobwc.com's incompetence.
  7. So...both sides waste money. That's nothing new. Which side is calling the other side out on it? Both? One?
  8. I'm a big fan of keeping it simple...and not breaking shit that ain't broke. I deal with network changes/design every freaking day. My vote is to ride this biatch until she dries and up kicks us out. If the software is doing what you/we want/need, do we really need extra bells and whistles? Is it a forum-envy issue? Cause we're still able to do what we need to do on here, and that's communicate. And look at porn. Seriously...when the weather gets warm, these political threads and bitching about health care and whale cock will come to a welcome end, and folks will get to discussing group rides and doing power wheelies with no insurance and plates. no one is going to have time to play with all the new toys...we're gonna be riding..and so will you. If you're going to upgrade, I say wait until right after the riding season so you have all winter to works the kinks out. BUT ..before then...ask yourself if this a WANT or a NEED based decision.
  9. In my company, you get kick backs and a promotion. You need to quit that shitty job and get on board son!
  10. I didn't care for the new look at all. meh.
  11. I loved him in Friday's on ABC back in the day. I have to go search for some clips of that show.
  12. +1 about the barrel length. You have a bad ass shotgun too Kev. I went the cheap route just to have something...but I will be upgrading shortly.
  13. You're in better shape than those that run off of DOS.
  14. I used to work in an environment like this at Reltec/Marconi/Emerson for almost ten years. The shop floor had a million of these things running. They weren't spending money to replace them back then, and they damn sure ain't trying to spend the money to replace them now. It's not a simple process...these computers are controlling machines with very specific duties, they aren't easily or cheaply replaced.
  15. My first thought was Merv the Perv. I was going to see if anyone could figure out who I was talking about. I could totally picture you in some interracial porn.
  16. Time for group bukkake yet? I love a happy ending.
  17. ^ Pics please, when this becomes a reality.
  18. He'll be fine with a small trailer and his bike. I don't expect jbot to be trying to haul 7 x 14 dual axle loaded with 3 bikes in it.
  19. Yeah, the Dort Highway area is no joke. I haven't been to the Valley is YEARS..but I know what you mean. Shoot, being from Saginaw, I needed to use the buddy system too after Flint started it's spiral towards urban decay. I do miss what Flint used to be....we used to hang outside the after hours spots and go eat breakfast at 5am, and I can't think of anytime we ever had a problem. A few times we had to haul ass because someone was shooting or a fight broke out and you didn't want to be in the crossfire that was sure to come...but hey, don't we all grow up around that?
  20. The wind is going to assault you, AND the bike. If you're talking about long rides...cruising..I would think twice. As a second bike..as others have said..sure. Primary bike? I'll just say it's a rude awakening coming from a full fairing bike.
  21. I hadn't read much about these folks..the headlines were enough for me. Didn't see the video..but read a description. I've also read the excuses from the group/lawyer. The one lady lied about their parents being alive (most of them)...and their whole defense is that the folks on the Dominican side were expecting them?? Really? That's like me saying it's OK I robbed that liquor store last night...they're expecting a black guy with a gun to do that every so often. I don't know if their cult like vibes are creeping me out more, or if it's the fact that I wonder where those kids were really going to end up?
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