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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. Once you go Akita, you never go black. Oops..wait..something like that. Sake is my second Akita. Before he matured at the 18 month point, I wanted to kick him in his teeth. He was a fucking brat. I even kicked him out of the house once because I couldn't take him anymore. Then I felt bad and went to go look for him. He's the perfect dog...barks only when he needs to let me know something is wrong (or there's a cat in the back yard), and is great with children. I wish I could let him go off leash...but that's the nature of the beast. Akita's are truly independent..they do things not because you told them to, but because they WANTED to. Sometimes I think I'm the one who's been trained. I can't see me with any other breed.
  2. I haven't read the book since it first came out..if i could find the time I'd definitely read it again. Maybe I'll sit down on Sunday and make some time for the movie, since I'm on a COD MW2 hiatus until they fix the glitches.
  3. Correct. He'll be 6 in August. The second pic is him about 2 years ago. Great dog, but can be hard headed like all Akita's. They act more like cats than dogs most times.
  4. I've had this movie on my PC for about 2 weeks now...scared to watch it because I'm afraid to ruin the awesomeness of the book. I heard the movie sucked..maybe I'll just have to take the plunge and see. BTW the book was the funniest thing I ever read.
  5. Duly noted Still available. Tell your friends. You know they want one.
  6. Hells yes. I'm mad tired, just got home, but I'm gonna stay up to watch it
  7. It's just a forum for people to post deals...nothing special..no fees. They don't provide the discounts. Some average Joe schmo sees a deal online somewhere, or gets it in their email, and posts on Fatwallet for others to share. That's it.
  8. The link and promo code (coupon) are on the link I provided. The promo code is used on Newegg's site when you checkout. Here it is on Newegg. FYI it's a refurb.
  9. Saw this today..just passing it on. NETGEAR WNR834B-100NAR, $23 after coupon. No experience with it at all...but it runs DD-WRT, which is well worth $23.
  10. I think he wants to tell more...but his hands (and tongue) are tied by his NDA. I see there is a new Buell race bike....the 1190RR. Two have been sold...but mums the word so far.
  11. Here Looks like Buell had a water cooled enginer back in 98..ready to go! Harley took it, changed it, and stuck it in the VRod. Nice.
  12. Cat playing the piano. What? It's slow at work.
  13. "its fred astaire doing his song for the angels"
  14. Well said. This is exactly what I tell someone when this comes up. I know the risks...and I take certain precautions (gear, helmet, avoiding 90 degree turns and speed limit signs on Rt60) to mitigate those risks. If the universe decides it's time for me to go while I'm on my bike, so be it. Sucks for me and my family, but I won't regret riding.
  15. Birfday sex.. the radio wasn't lying!!
  16. ^ He speaks the truth. I've said it before..the problem with the current system is that Doctors make money when you're sick..not by keeping you healthy. Drug Reps?? Big problem. Dr's pushing samples of drugs down your throat like a drug dealer giving you the first hit for free. If the system paid based on keeping you healthy and out of the dr's office, things would change. Yup...the doc's office asks what kind of insurance you have so they know how much to charge for their services. The system is broken...and I don't think any of the current bills totally fixes it. I haven't spent a lot of time analyzing them, so I could be wrong. I'll tell you what though..working for a major healthcare provider in Ohio...these companies will get their money somehow. If these Bills affect their bottom line, IF, they will find other ways to make up for it. Just like the credit card companies are doing now, to get around the new laws just passed regarding late fees, changing minimum payment dates, interest rates, etc.
  17. This show is pure WIN. Even the quotes after-the-fact are funny.
  18. I just heard on the radio this AM, that less than ONE PENNY of every dollar is going to the Haitian government. This was on the news at the top of the hour. I don't know how that figure was calculated as I caught the very end of it. I'm sure that won't change anyone's mind about donating or helping out. Another reason will creep to the top to replace this one.
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