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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. If only we could take that $$ and fix our own school systems.
  2. I've heard the same thing..from multiple people.
  3. Tempting...... I haven't broken the law in a while.
  4. I might show up to the party. The IMS lost my interest last year. I think I'll wait till everyone is good and drunk.
  5. I'm going to crawl back into my cave now.
  6. They are already on their way ...or leaving shortly I believe.
  7. First, get my cock out of your mouth. Second, READ WHAT I TYPED. I said THIS ADMINISTRATION..LIKE OTHERS IN THE PAST..DID NOT HESITATE!!!!!! I didn't say THIS ADMINISTRATION, UNLIKE OTHERS IN THE PAST. I purposely went out of my way to make it known that generally, the US is first to step up when a crisis like this comes about. I wasn't even thinking of Katrina..nor did I mention it. Katrina was a fuck up that has nothing to do with Haiti...with a lot of blame to be placed on a lot of people, on both sides of the aisle.
  8. Like Psycho said..the death toll is going to climb considerably starting tonight. My heart just drops when I look at the pictures of what happened. I'm proud of the fact that this administration, like others in the past, did not hesitate to start providing relief. Unfortunately, many people will die before it even gets there. Not to mention the scams that will turn up. I don't see any rebuilding of this country anytime soon...or not so soon. Someone (guess who) will have to go in there and build it all from the ground up. Not to mention the loss of life. I read somewhere that it was estimated that a third of the country needs some sort of aid. That's 3 million people!!!!!!!!!!!!! And don't get me started on that jackass Pat Robertson. http://dscriber.com/home/1008-pat-robertson-haiti-in-league-with-the-devil.html
  9. Hmm, I was kinda optimistic until the last few seconds where they're in an armored vehicle falling through the sky while blowing shit up in the process.
  10. GI Joe sucked. Kids will like it because of the action...but I couldn't wait to leave the theater.
  11. Glad I'm not drunk right now..cause...wait a minute..
  12. I stay off OR for a few weeks..and my first post after I sign back in is this. WOW. Maybe I'll stop up there tonight.
  13. You don't pay the bills...so don't worry about it. Maybe they're on all the time because I have a life. Try it sometime.
  14. Nice!!! Imaginary rep for you! I don't think I have the estomach to handle these immature asswipes on Live. Anyways...if you guys see me on and I don't respond, it's probably the kids.
  15. I tried to pick this up during Xmas, but I ran out of $$. Next time it happens to go on sale I might snatch it up.
  16. I should be on tonight..around 9 or 10
  17. Too late. One of the ninjas has the controller now. I'll be on later.
  18. matter of fact..I've got a drink ready and I'm about to jump on now. YrStarfish4Dinr
  19. Good advice. Watch were they go at the start of the match. There are a ton of boxes...stones...garbage dumps...etc you can jump on that aren't apparent to you until you try it.
  20. Is it the same engine as College 2010? I assume so...if it is, it's really good, and I stayed away from hoops games in recent memory because of the exact same reasons. The pace was WAY to fast to be realistic. They've slowed it down and made the transitions feel more natural. Sorta what 2K Sports did to football before EA put them out of the game.
  21. The nuke is stupid...but of course this comes from someone who won't ever be able to drop one. It takes lots of practice...and it's not just your controller skills. You HAVE to know the hot spots on each map. The little boys that are owning you know exactly where to camp and are picking you off while you run around trying to find your cock in the wind. I think that's the most frustrating part. Not to mention that you also need to find a weapon that works for you in different types of situations...and pick the proper weapon and gear when you start the level. You can't go in and modify classes once the match starts..so you gotta have em set before hand. See if you can get into a few friendly private matches with people willing to show you the ropes or are at the same skill level so you can get a better comfort level. I like Domination and Team DM as far as learning/leveling up. I don't think FFA is kind to a noob...but that's just my opinion. I go between having a lot of fun and wanting to kick my plasma into next week. If I didn't have a life, I could easily play this thing day and night and master the maps and weapons...but bills have to be played and porn has to be watched.
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