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Everything posted by KentStateTsi

  1. 31 reasons you should arm yourself. first kitchen post evar.
  2. DAP is flying sex! There have been 0 changes in the 60's main or tail rotor designs until the UH60M model where they did away with the BIM indicator and made a different blade design to keep the tip caps a little more away from the speed of sound. Resulting in a quieter bird. Unfortunately only 1st CAB and few NG unit have the "mike" model. SOAR uses the mh60k variant which still uses the uh60L rotor heads. They just get the good stuff like autopilot, flir, weapons controls, midair refuel, external hoist, and dillons.
  3. Curious to see where it goes. Every plain jane H-60l we have has equipment to show its ID electronically so the seewhiz/CRAM/phalanx wont shoot us down. Its a radar based system. Why spend millions making something stealth when you could hack their system and get the current "friendly" code or fills?
  4. The stealth hawk was a proto back in the 80's when the race was on to be invisible to radar. What the media wont tell you is that 160th wasnt the only aviation asset out that night. Probably because of blackhawk down and they want to make some controversy. Hopefully it is being tracked and will be scooped up by us very soon. China claims to have stealth capabiliy similar to the f35 in their new fighter. Flight concepts and 160th were both there that night. I have never seen a tail like that though. Looks like the folding stabilator of an H-60M but the 5 blade tail is new to me.
  5. Anything you may be looking for on trade or do you want cash to help with the move? Mike......its time to try something new.
  6. What transmissions will work?
  7. Nobody said anything about that short ass skirt yet? Glad the one girl put a few pounds on, she looked ghostly last time. Full carbon ccrx looks amazing. Old school R30? I believe looked great. Armored vehicle tearing through Rio....not so much.
  8. 1 heli did go down yes. Unknown if it was a 160th or Va. Boys. No US casualties.
  9. The Virginia boys will probably be flying back into Eustis this week as well.
  10. QFT. Never speak of it to his wife or children either. It was a job. Get it done and go home.
  11. How long until the first riot about why we are still in Afghanistan?
  12. I am very excited he's gone. The JDAMS better keep raining in Afghanistan. There is still a fight going on. All he did was fund and make propaganda videos. Hopefully they start falling apart without senior leadership.
  13. Iron or aluminum heads? Carbs? Ignition? I see a belt driven water pump which leads me to think more show than go. Very interested depending on above questions.
  14. Probably see it 2 or 3 more times. Next one should be a good one too.
  15. Very sorry for your loss. OT, but this is why we need to let them fail on their own. ANA and ANP are stepping up their attacks on our soldiers training them.
  16. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fujita_scale This year sucks for tornado activity.
  17. I want to shake this kids hand. Our first medic froze up, lost his NVG's and caused more harm than good on his first casualty. I am happy he is in a hero status at the moment. I fear that if it was someone elses daughter he would be held accountable for her death from lack of "real" training.
  18. I wasn't talking about your post. I could care less what he uses, it isn't my project.
  19. OP has made his decision. Why are you comparing a car that was made to compete to an engine made to commute?
  20. I stand corrected. That car is hauling ass.
  21. 99.9% sure it is. I remember seeing an ecotech rail up there as well. It may have been faster. I highly doubt a flat VW 4 has gone faster.
  22. I was at Norwalk when Brent Rau went 6.93 on his rwd 4g63. Far cry from stock. Has since been 6.79, maybe 6.6's.
  23. do you have a wbo2 running to the rear o2 wire on the ecu? have you flashed the code for reading a wbo2?
  24. Who makes you wait? I leave with whatever I buy that day.
  25. I know man. People would have knocked my door down already if it was really a big deal. I'm still getting TDY from my division which covers my food and mileage. I'm not hurting over the near shutdown. More upset that elected officials are getting paid before a volunteer force.
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