The cold is the worst part. The mountains look pretty f-ing awesome. I notice alot of sounds now that I'm away from traffic. Outgoing 105mm and 155mm, incomming 107mm and 87mm mortars, UAV's buzzing around all day, A-10, F-15, AC130. My wife made it here a few days before me and a 107 round hit 50m from her shop. We tried to eat Thanksgiving dinner together only to sit our plates down and hear 2 mortars hit our complex. If you have been to Iraq....this is nothing like it. Foreign soldiers have some pretty nice weapons compared to ours. I've seen so far: ak74 with eotech MPO & grenade launcher, G3 launcher, G36 with launcher and the biggest grenade bandoleir ever. They almost hit one of our Apache's last night while it was sitting. I can't post everything for security reasons, but we do some crazy shit over here.