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Everything posted by KentStateTsi

  1. If you are still looking by the time I return from shitstan I have a small box of black widow engines as well as some of the .049 powered cars (manx buggy for sure). I could probably make some money with them at a hobby show but they need to go.
  2. If he wants a full size i have a taurus pt100.
  3. The Apache pier in Garden city usually has 2 live bands. One at the front and another out at then end. 2 bars total. Sams corner hot dogs right across the street is awesome after a few drinks. Very laid back place. broadway at the beach/Kyrptonite area is where most of the hype is now.
  4. Damn near every weapon on my FOB is snake skin painted. Shit's getting crazy this month and its awesome. They tried to take Baghram the other night.
  5. The 155's here are making noise weekly. Too bad we missed with an excalibur round.
  6. magpul wants to keep the weapon around $1400, remmington wants closer to $2,000. I hate going to the same range as 1-75 with our 16's while they rock the shit out of the SCAR
  7. We probably won't be the ones if you are going south. Ever since the first snow it's been real quiet here.
  8. 1. leave the military because we will be called to supress the public. 2. find former military personnel and set up shop. 3. ground vehicles are great, but I have access to many rotary wing airframes.
  9. I was just beginning to miss Ohio. Even if this bill makes it through the Senate there will be a wall of business' and "legit" protest groups waiting. Jegs, Summit, Trails, and Norwalk bring millions a year in tax revenue for Ohio alone. Yes I feel sorry for this family and whatever she had to go through. Everybody freaked out about Obama taking our firearms. A year later I still have mine and the collection continues to grow. It will still be "he said, she said" vs. the COP who wrote the ticket. This just gives them more leverage if you truly get caught f-ing up. Or you could move.
  10. I hate the cold that much.
  11. FOB Shank. Sweet name right? 15T/15P gunner, crew cheif, TOC.
  12. The cold is the worst part. The mountains look pretty f-ing awesome. I notice alot of sounds now that I'm away from traffic. Outgoing 105mm and 155mm, incomming 107mm and 87mm mortars, UAV's buzzing around all day, A-10, F-15, AC130. My wife made it here a few days before me and a 107 round hit 50m from her shop. We tried to eat Thanksgiving dinner together only to sit our plates down and hear 2 mortars hit our complex. If you have been to Iraq....this is nothing like it. Foreign soldiers have some pretty nice weapons compared to ours. I've seen so far: ak74 with eotech MPO & grenade launcher, G3 launcher, G36 with launcher and the biggest grenade bandoleir ever. They almost hit one of our Apache's last night while it was sitting. I can't post everything for security reasons, but we do some crazy shit over here.
  13. MW2....SCAR, supressed .50, sentry's, AT4. How could you not be playing it right now.
  14. Always wanted a watch on that level....I try to pick up a current model Seiko yearly and still wonder why I drop 6-800 on them.
  15. No Mike, swapped FD's are not zombie repellant.
  16. I like USAA. My wife has a horrible driving record(she is military as well). Before I bought the evo I was affraid because lots of people have been paying very high rates for evos. I went from $65ish a month on the eclipse to only $185ish on the evo. We also bank with them and get paid a day earlier.
  17. We lost 6 soldiers this week alone here at Hunter. 1 in a training accident and 5 more in a drug raid in afghanistan. The defense department wont comment on hostile fire on the MH47 crash in the drug raid because they don't want the American people to believe how much of a force the Taliban is. This video is what Americans need to see about the war. It needs to come from the mouths of those who have been there. Not from a General that sits in Washington, not from FOX/ABC/NBC/CNN. Thank you to all who support us! Yes we get thanked daily, its time to return some of it.
  18. Are you at Shank? Those pics look really familiar.
  19. FOB Mayors, usually a Company Commander, get an allowance of $10,000 plus a week to give to the local nationals. The money is supposed to be used to build houses, schools, and generally better the area. What actually happens is; the money is given to a high ranking local, he puts some in his bank, buys rockets and bullets with some more, and pays off the Taliban to stay away for a little while. The locals we train to fight with us will turn in an instant just to get our shitty M16's and whatever supplies we have with us. Afghanistan is a shitstorm. I will post pics of this place soon.
  20. http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/boondocksaints2/theaters/ here is the list. New England and Cali. Maybe Hodgiman will have a ripped copy for me.
  21. Don't want to spoil as I want to see it too. There is a list of theaters somewhere that are showing it. No Ohio theaters were on that list.
  22. Yes we do react this way in the Army. It's a little saying called "fuck it, drive on". It is not about beating someone to the point where they can't recover. But to the point to see how they recover. I will apologize to the OP about my ignorant ass comments but I do know they family very well and they would not fire somebody without cause.
  23. If this guy really thinks either the owner, or his brother that runs the pizza shop would try to screw him over he had a bad trip when he wrote his post. I worked for them one summer during college and their neiphew is my best friend. I go to their Thanksgiving and Christmas parties if I am in town. They never say one bad word about their employees outside of work, they will say it right to your face on the clock. Here you are trying to start an E-war. They have hired many people on a whim to give them a chance in the Delaware community and start over. You must be one of those whims and couldn't let go of your past and tried to get over on them. Go fuck yourself, I hope you rott. Delaware doesn't need people like you.
  24. saw him play at Kent while he was still in school. Good song although Wayne and Kayne are in 75% of the pop hip-hop on the radio right now. Em has been hiding for a while, i'm glad he only did 1 verse(best IMO).
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