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Everything posted by KentStateTsi

  1. Yes it is true. She is going to the Afghan with me.
  2. nobody in Ohio has ARABMNY or AFGNMNY on their plate? One of these might be in for the win in this situation.
  3. do you have the A2 carrying handle? Is this model much different than the DPMS A15? what gas block is that?
  4. local pawn shop has 25% everything this week including firearms. the 710 would be $300 and the 835 would be $150 I've read most 500/590 parts will fit on an 835. I've also read that people don't like the 710 for shots farther than 250yds. Pros/cons/input is greatly appreciated. They also have a 92F with crimson trace for $350 in brushed finish. Will my wife have a reason to bitch when I come home with 3 more? Or are the top 2 ok choices. hog/deer are rampant down here and Ft. Stewart holds open shoots monthly.
  5. Sounds like a mix of resident evil with "I am legend". Maybe the vaccine is just a way to delay the full effects like in resident evil. The gov't is waiting for someone to survive from the virus that is the perfect "donor" with which they will make many "nemisis" and "alice" weapons. I'm down for whatever. It really isnt too far fetched. Mad cow disease comes from feeding cattle other cows. Why won't someone investigate this as something from cannibalistic humans?
  6. Did you get the go? I will be at FOB Shank(shitty name IMO). I found some pretty nice ones down here for under $15k even. Higher mileage (75k plus) but they are in decent shape. I went to a chevy dealer today and talked to a sales lady. Asked about C5 vettes. She said they dont have any 05's in but they do have an 04. I wanted to kick her in the cunt. I said C5 not 05. Then she tried to pitch me a new camero SS/RS cause it has expensive wheels and 427 or 428hp she couldnt remember. Dan Vaden dealerships are dissappearing monthly so I doubt she will be employed much longer.
  7. QFT! My wife has one and burns through a box of 550 in the time I shoot 200 from my AR. Extra mags are ~$15 and a box of 550 is $20.
  8. I think it will be a Christmas present for 2010. I will return from the hills of the Afghan approx Dec. 7th 2010. I need to find a way to include my lil bro in this as well. I know growing up my dad had a monza and mom had a mustang fastback that would vaporlock daily. They talk about the cars but they weren't fond of them. If my pops old Datsun 4x4 didnt rust out I know he'd still be driving it around the outter banks in the sand. he did love that thing.
  9. Long story short. 1. Parents paid for 5 years of college. 2. Allowed me to live on and off at home till I was 22. 3. They usually buy something cheap to save a little money. 4. My dad retires in ~4 years I'm not a kiss ass but I do appreciate what they have done for me. They love the C5-C6 vettes but have gone cheap and started looking at miatas. Side note: 4-5 friend families have S2000's C5's can be had for under 20k easily. They don't care about speed/hp numbers/making noise. They want something to troll around town in. Where should I look besides ebay and autotrader?
  10. I will vote for you. "Making peace with the Muslim community"..Why? We are fighting Islamic extremists not Muslims. It just so happens to be on their land. Where we could leave, allowing the Haqquani, Al Quaeda, and Taliban to continue taking children and raping women. Only to raise the children to be part of the militia.
  11. Def. take it away if he doesn't keep his word. Make an example out of him of what a Nobel winner is not.
  12. Whoever gets this is getting a great pistol for a good deal. I have a PT100 (.40) and absolutly love it. Yes it has some weight to it and is rather large to carry but it doesn't feel like a toy and thats a big reason I like it.
  13. When you take the ASVAB they break it down into several sections. GT is you general knowledge. I can't remember off hand what the other areas are except for MM= mechanical, EL= electrical, CB or CT= combat knowledge, then there is admin skills, and so on. Don't get all nervous taking this test.
  14. If you want any specialized job you will need at least a 110 GT score. I can only speak for the regular army but they have dropped alot of the waivers they were issuing when I came in. Not saying you would need any of them, just relaying it. Barrons is an excellent study guide. I used the same company when I took the AFAST.
  15. Short story: went on 2 weeks leave. Came back with stains where leaves fell. Hardly came off with a good scrub. I don't want to wax over them. And the car is white . Any suggestions?
  16. Both are journal. The 3055 is v band out. I can send pics when i get back to georgia.
  17. Does a fp3055 with old school 4 bolt tial external with mitsu flange strike your fancy? Or maybe a t3 sc61 5 bolt discharge?
  18. I will bring it home with me this week. I am coming home to visit parents before Afghanland.
  19. T4, 1.28 turbine housing. v-band compressor outlet and exhaust outlet. I purchased it with ~5,000miles. I've put maybe 200 on it. Pics are here. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/album.php?albumid=395 $750 obo. will trade for evo 8 or 9 parts.(suspension, downpipe, intake manifold.)
  20. 3 CAB was at victory for OIF 5, Liberty is where one of our soldiers killed 2 other soldiers. If aviation has been there, then it isn't all that bad. We leave this time for FOB Shank in Afghan. 8,000ft above sea level. Hesco barriers for a perimeter. No IDF sirens. We aren't allowed to enter houses without ANA(Afghan national army) present. ROE for this god forsaken place is rediculous. IED's and VBIED's are rampant especially around election time.
  21. I too sold something on ebay recently and the funds were put on "hold". The only way it will be released early is if the buyer gives + feedback or when it is delivered. I only do ~$1500 a year with ebay/paypal and this really suprised me.
  22. Thats what I'm talking about. I hope you are enjoying your 3ID stay more than myself.
  23. Traded for a 552 so I'm gonna get rid of the 517. Buttons are on side for easier on/off if a magnifier is being used. No NV mode. Will come in original box with manual. $375 shipped.
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