Not gonna lie this is entertaining as all shit. First of all I want to say hi my name is Karma, ha ha good luck when I catch up w you Grundish. lol You are a D-bag. You have always been a D-bag, and you always will be a d-bag. And FYI NO ONE LIKES A D-BAG! I just want to take the time to get that off my chest. Now, moving forward. Todds a clepto, an a liar. Your the one that doesnt have a leg to stand on in this situation. Yeah Kev was drunk an gave you the bike then got mad cuz you sold it. Yeah cuz we all rode the short bus to the conversation. That almost had me believing you. Thats the most retarding thing I've ever heard, Bub but daddy he gave it to me, Shut the fuck up candy ass. Your a dead beat, no one likes you. Ill give you one round an a gun and just do the right thing and make the world a better place. Don't worry todd when I get home I will have no problem taking your calls and wont even look the other way when I see your trailer park ass nancy ass. Hey Tod look does this give you nightmares? Late on Nancy