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Everything posted by asian900ss

  1. Deer Tree hugging liberal hippy that thinks you should hunt with what got gives you... I am glad we hunt the way we do or I would be hunting with a pathetic pecker. As would you, the only difference is YOU LIE ABOUT IT, I have come to terms with it! HA HA. Floulder next time you need to butt hump it first then you can shoot it. Or you can take Yota and it will die of AIDS soon after. IM BACK BITCHES!
  2. I was a freshman in HS and a kid walked into my class and said " Some idiot just crashed a plane into the Trade Center" I just thought it was a cesna or something small the way he made it sound. A few minutes later the announcements came on and told all teachers to turn on the TV. We all watched and pretty much were in shock. 3 years and 13 days later I enlisted. 2 combat deployments to date and many more to come.
  3. so is it a compact or no? do you know what finish it has on it? and can you get me a pic? also of the holster? and also is he still looking at 400? I can make this deal happen as soon as possible... if you want to email me the pics its ritchie_mp@yahoo.com Yota will be the one picking it up for me since i got lost on my way home from the bar and am still in Iraq.
  4. is this still available? is it a compact? let me know. im intertested.
  5. Bike still available? take 2k for it? lets talk jr of the pony...
  6. Ok I like all the advise Brian and thank you once again. I guess I can spend the few track times (5 or so) when I get back and do some hard riding and then re-think this. Thanks again guys
  7. WOW! I am glad I made this post! Thank you guys for all of the input. GIXXIE750, I would love to go watch a race weekend and take Brians advise at the same time and then maybe tag along for a second and do a race. As you may or may not know I am in Iraq right now but returning home soon (AUG). And yes I have done a fair amount of track days, always improving and getting lessons from racers every chance I get. Thanks again guys
  8. Ok some of you know me if you have been around for a while other may not, may have heard stories about me in a diaper... thats not what this is about. Anyone that races/has raced/or knows first hand about what it takes to get started I am seeking your advice and knowledge. I am going to have a Ducati 900ss(944) to track. I am very interested in starting to race. I would like to know what the general cost is for a race. What is a good class (heard light weight twins)? And what are the benefits to racing as far as discounted track days. I have track time and not looking to kick Stoners ass or anything. I just want a way to meet peeps, have some competition (besides drunk wrestling with Yota) and have a good time. Thank you for you responses and please feel free to PM me or facebook, or you can just post it here. Regards, The Iraqi Ass Kicking Ninja
  9. Sorry trailer king. No threats from me. Oh and by the way you didnt steal her. you picked up the leftovers. good try on both parts tho... love you long time
  10. Ummm Hey Todd.... Whats a troll dick taste like? I mean just wonderin... No need to get all but hurt, it's okay to admit. I hope she showerd before you came back from vaca an dove into sloppy seconds ha ha
  11. Id rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6. I have to think about that shit all day everyday where I am. Not a good feeling....
  12. Damn your an F-16 pilot. thats bamf.
  13. Well hello there. And welcome to Ohio-Riders. Fyi Yota sucks the best dick around... Just food for thought. And Im asian.. See you at the track in a few months.
  14. I know both sides and still think Todds a tool bag... always have. And wouldn't put it past him to do something like this, nor past his ex... I know all parties verry well, maybe bias but fuck it. Todds a dick.
  15. What up Devil dog? this shit is getting entertaning as all shit..

  16. Hi Ninja Nick, My name is Ninja Rob, I will be the one returning your request. See you soon.
  17. My name is Will... Will Fisterbut Semper fi Jagr
  18. I want justice for him being a tool bag.... Hmmm what would be just for that.... Oh I got it. He can spend the rest of his life looking like he has a mild form of downs.. Wait a minute..... YAY JUSTICE ha ha ha. Fuck you Ronnie
  19. Not gonna lie this is entertaining as all shit. First of all I want to say hi my name is Karma, ha ha good luck when I catch up w you Grundish. lol You are a D-bag. You have always been a D-bag, and you always will be a d-bag. And FYI NO ONE LIKES A D-BAG! I just want to take the time to get that off my chest. Now, moving forward. Todds a clepto, an a liar. Your the one that doesnt have a leg to stand on in this situation. Yeah Kev was drunk an gave you the bike then got mad cuz you sold it. Yeah cuz we all rode the short bus to the conversation. That almost had me believing you. Thats the most retarding thing I've ever heard, Bub but daddy he gave it to me, Shut the fuck up candy ass. Your a dead beat, no one likes you. Ill give you one round an a gun and just do the right thing and make the world a better place. Don't worry todd when I get home I will have no problem taking your calls and wont even look the other way when I see your trailer park ass nancy ass. Hey Tod look does this give you nightmares? Late on Nancy
  20. Go the extra few bucks if you plan to keep your bike for a while. I think Mobile 1 MXT4 is the best. They may have changed the name to Mobile 1 Race T4, but its the best that I have found. And the best place to get it is UDF. Best luck
  21. OMG Bro! I forgot all about that night! we ditched his ass and he showed back up at your place fuckin 4 hrs later smelling like sweaty vag! ha ha oops...
  22. Eh prolly the occasional 4 bike trailer and a 3500lb boat... And when Yota wants to bring home a fat chick I kinda need at least a 1/2 ton he's the best wing man FYI
  23. hey nancy! quick question. how do i set a pic as my signature with the quote? Can you set mine as the pic with me and Baily from the party? Thanks man

  24. Um meanie. Im asain no worries on the height issue. But thanks for the concern on that one. Redracer how much did that 04 run you? that kinda sounds like what im looking for...
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