Hi my name is asian! first of all I want to give a few shout outs! Yota, douche bag, Flounder, I hate you! Putty, didn't want to be the one to tell you this but I think you might be black. Whitey didn't want to tell you this either, your not. Stillman, good thing your wifes cool or I wouldn't talk to you! Glad I got that out of the way! fellas what up! The one and only Asian Rob here! Still in iraq and am on a short vaca with internet in my room! Soooooo wanted to get on and catch up. Im in Iraq still hating life as always. Its hot and my balls are stuck to my leg. and i tried to put baby powder on em and it turns to cookie dough! Anyway... I miss the fuck out of you guys and will be back in Aug. The Troll is planning a bash (small) BULL SHIT! It's gonna be a blow out! Bring your own crack! Anyway hit me up on here fellers! Yota mucho lovo da cocko! OUT!