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Everything posted by Scotty2Hotty

  1. http://www.righttrak.net/mall/images/tree-man-incense-burner.jpg I use this to burn incense.
  2. Army's new toy http://www.knightarmco.com/images/m110sasssniper.jpg
  3. Hot Blonde + Crossbow + 11ft Gator = WIN.
  4. http://i615.photobucket.com/albums/tt236/Scotty_Sapper/key_art_welcome_back_kotter-1.jpg
  5. http://lh4.ggpht.com/_-R2nlW8YHPI/SmVazx33rMI/AAAAAAAACts/_huw6VFQYoc/s800/M5%20Photoshoot%20045%20copy.jpg = http://image.take40.com/300x400/Pierce_Brosnan_James_Bond.jpg See, even you Marc could be James Bondish.
  6. http://www.funnyanimalsite.com/pictures/The_Gun_Monkey.jpg
  7. http://www.search-engine.com/images/mccarthy.jpg
  8. You looking to do some crazy 8 sec. ground pounder? If that's the case, I say keep your car, do some fun bolt ons, and buy yourself a rolling chasis or a wrecked up F-Body.
  9. http://www.turbobuick.com/forums/attachments/turbo-videos-picture-library/57620d1223181241-update-427-lsx-tiwn-turbo-93-supra-adam03.jpg http://www.turbobuick.com/forums/attachments/turbo-videos-picture-library/57621d1223181256-update-427-lsx-tiwn-turbo-93-supra-adam02.jpg WIN./thread
  10. But it has banana clips? http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd7/rkba2da/humor/bannanas1.jpg
  11. http://blueridgearmory.com/images/ak15.png I love the press
  12. In Bruges with Colin Farrel, turned out not to bad at all.
  13. First of all, I wanna thank God for giving everybody so much, and me, so little. I hate you, I hate you, and I don't even know you and I hate your guts. I hope all the bad things in life happen to you, and nobody else, but you. http://justiceleagueunlimited.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/chappelle-player-haters-ball.jpg
  14. That's what I was wondering too. Used 01' era M5 should be in the same ball park as a CTS-V.
  15. Con- You driving it. Con- You in a steelers jersey driving it. Pro- Plenty of room for your boyfriends.
  16. Scotty2Hotty


  17. Premature detonation is a common problem for Iraqi men from 17-43.
  18. Newport on the Levee is across the bridge. I think Hofbrauhaus is 21+, but I'm not 100% on that one. Most of the fun stuff is on the Kentucky side of the bridge.
  19. http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d178/lt1wagner/September%20Track%20Day%202009/IMG_3995.jpg http://images9.cafepress.com/product/293428109v6_350x350_Front.jpg
  20. Hit up the Hofbrauhaus, there's tons of women there. It's a great spot to pre-game, but there's another place right up the road from it.
  21. Waterbeds N' Stuff always has cheap shit, but isn't there something out on the west side off broad st?
  22. Remember those that are part of the spear, thrusting into those Al-Qaeda fucks. http://i697.photobucket.com/albums/vv336/Sean341/US%20Army%20Rangers/Rangers13.jpg
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