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Everything posted by Scotty2Hotty

  1. With no pics and your description, you can get anywhere from $375-$500. I know I've never sold one of my Glocks for anything less than $425.
  2. Put a Knoxx breacher grip on it if you fire 2 3/4" or 3" 00 Buck through it. Never the less the 590 is a perfect scattergun to own.
  3. I will wait for my nuclear powered truck.
  4. I don't see why the NCAA should have any power to bench a player. Even if it were something off the field, it should be up the coach and his staff to do what's best for HIS team.
  5. http://nimg.sulekha.com/Others/original700/votes-2008-11-4-21-38-47.jpg
  6. +1 I plan on buying an armored vehicle and parking on top of cars. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2153/1573768097_4bb1ec521d.jpg?v=0
  7. Nah, 22.5" with a Kelderman adjustable suspension: http://image.trucktrend.com/f/9647588/163_0804_01z+product_spotlight_kelderman_air_suspension+ford_f_450.jpg Great for plowing
  8. http://smiliesftw.com/x/bigwtc.gif For the Steelers fans.
  9. I'm gonna throw a beer bottle across his bow, just to give him a scare.
  10. I’ve never eaten a pear. They weird me out, dude! Where do you start, the top, the bottom?
  11. It's probably beat like a red headed step child. I'd save your $$$$.
  12. Erik, a customer of ours is selling his 03 F350 single wheel crew cab 6.0 4X4 if you're interested. You'll hate the H1, they're turds, too wide, and horrid on gas milage. Obviously you know this, but go on a road trip to Cinci in that thing and you'll hate life in those 2 hours. Tahoe would be #2 choice for me. They look great with a good 2-3 drop, 22's and a nice grille.
  13. Bengals fan circa 83'. I'm a Reds fan to boot, win or lose, I'm still a fan.
  14. Plenty of Bengals fans here. But hey, the queen needs knocked off her throne every now and again. It was a good game none the less. WHO DEY!
  15. Active, reserve or guard? Lemme know, I can help.
  16. The bengals are making me
  17. I'm waiting on my email monday for the OEF Theatre of Operation
  18. We being the United States Military, and no they're not. The political influence upon both areas of operation are what's giving us trouble. The US Military isn't running the operation, suits and ties that sit behind desks are running the show.
  19. I might not be around for this year's winter, but IF I am, it's on.
  20. Why not a MK48 chambered for the always great 7.62X51mm? Favorite of the 75th Rangers http://www.americanspecialops.com/images/photos/rangers/mk-48-mod-0.jpg
  21. http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d172/cinergi/381portb.jpg = I love the M231 (My fun with it in Iraq) http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=9087366
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