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Everything posted by Scotty2Hotty

  1. I'll take that red 5.0 fox body.................wait I forgot, someone wrecked it
  2. Good episode last night. Think Keith got himself a good ol' concusion and then some. Boat knocking you in the head is never a good thing.
  3. Better negotiator than Hillary Clinton http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ac/ac-130-spectre-44.jpg
  4. Scotty2Hotty

    The BA-K-47

    http://www.foundshit.com/images/food0004.jpg UZI EGGS!
  5. Scotty2Hotty

    The BA-K-47

  6. Scotty2Hotty

    The BA-K-47

    http://www.geekologie.com/2008/01/14/gun-eggs.jpg http://www.product-reviews.net/wp-content/userimages/2008/03/condiment-gun.jpg
  7. Scotty2Hotty

    The BA-K-47

    Wonder if IHOP can make a pancake into an AR15 for me?
  8. It's like what Jack Roush did to a Ford Pinto Little car with big motor power.
  9. Austrailia son LS1 powered RX3, but in Puerto Rico they rock the old school.
  10. I personally wouldn't mind owning an Mazda RX3 http://www.ls1.com.au/news_pics/che/picture4.jpg
  11. Looks like a torino with a mustang rear. Interesting.
  12. "I am completely opposed to selling automatic weapons. I don't see any reason why they ever made semi-automatics. I've been a member of the NRA. I collect, make and shoot guns. I've never used an automatic or a semi-automatic for hunting. There's no need to. They have no place in anybody's arsenal." - Politics is funny.
  13. Lord knows I personally hate the word, but for those that don't know, the word generates from a German rifle made during WWII. Sturmgewehr: "Storm Rifle" - the first assault rifle. The word was storm rifle, which eventually translated into today's "assault rifle". http://i188.photobucket.com/albums/z5/ethanrom_2007/mp44modelgun_1_ww2.jpg I felt the need to share the history of that word.
  14. If you ever think about selling the M1A, I better recieve a call
  15. "and the return of a few disgruntled war veterans could swell the ranks of white-power militias." - I Since every veteran is disgruntled.
  16. Republic of Texas it might become in all reality.
  17. http://img.timeinc.net/time/daily/2007/0701/jihadi_fighter_0110.jpg
  18. http://www.hummerguy.net/wp-content/CamoHummerH3_2.jpg Vinyl wrap http://www.extremehowto.com/xh/graphics/articles/art_60660_1a1a1CamoWrapTTLead.jpg Does that help?
  19. Deal. I haven't dropped the coin on a good spotting scope until I build my long distance calling plan. I had a blast shooting a .17HMR savage the first time I shot one, so I'm assuming this fireball is even more fun.
  20. Cheaper than a paint job suprisingly. You'll probably drop atleast $1K-3K range on a good wrap. I've seen a few trucks wrapped in camo too.
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