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Everything posted by ICEMAN

  1. well, since noone plays it, its really addicting. play it sometime. if you start playin it, add me.
  2. If anyone else plays this game, add me. http://www.facebook.com/ICEMANscar this game is awesome, and so fukkin addicting!!
  3. alright guys, sorry to have to say this, but this deal is OVER... BUT..... we will be doing a very similar deal on the FIAT R1!!!!! so if you have been looking for a FIAT R1 and want to save A LOT of money, let me know!! i will get it posted soon, but feel free to call and talk to our sales manager D.A. if you have any questions... 419.332.9902. Let him know your on OhioRiders!!!
  4. haha, yessir!! well see ya friday!
  5. haha. this was basically sold even before i posted the clean pics! but i was gettin messages like crazy from about 10 different forums after i posted the pics!
  6. cool, thanks for the info!!! if your on any wing forums, post it up for me if you can!!! much appreciated!
  7. I have this for one if you do... My dad bought it when he had his 84, but he bought an 09 Voyager last year and doesnt need this. Its a chrome master cylinder cover for 84-87 GL1200 Gold Wings. hes only lookin for 10 bux. ill ship it for 15. Retail was 30.
  8. ALRIGHT!!! Please keep voting (once per day)!!! we are in first place!!!!!!! thank you!!
  9. to me, gixxers and ninjas have always been the most comfortable, with the honda and R6 being similar at the worst. But track wise, i would take R6 and CBR first. the only thign about the ninjas that i dont like is how the front end sticks out in front of you like the ZX10 and R1. i dont like feeling like im sittign in the middle of the bike, i like feeling like im almost not on a bike at all. If i look straight forward on my R6, it looks like nothing is below me (just like the CBR), but on the ninja, you can see a big ole front end, and gixxer is similar. granted thats all personal opinion, i know all bikes are very well built and can take a beating, i would own any of the 4 600's or 1000's without hesitation.
  10. i know... i rode it to bike night in Tiffin a few weeks ago, and it made me miss my R6 SOOOOO much! but after riding the used 07CBR600, and this Ninja, i still liked my R6 10 times more.
  11. 2007 Ninja ZX6R all info here... http://www.schietsmotorsports.com/showcaseproductdetail.htm?ID=119249&Used=1&Model=2007 ONLY 2180 miles!!!! This bike is MINT!!!! No Joke! and I believe this bike is priced VERY nicely, especially for a dealer price!!! Only $5490!!!! the pics dont do it justice, they kinda suck, i hate how the website really kills the images when it loads them. the read is a very bright red.
  12. yah it rained basically all day. RedRacer showed up, he lives up the road about 10 miles. Noone rode in, but there was a constant 30-35 people there, so with the weather, i would say it was a damn good turnout! yah it sux about the weather. only 2 bikes on the dyno, but i think were going to start having them come to schiets like once a month next summer, like the first saturday of every month. They are out of republic, ohio. They come for free, if the even is close, otherwise they only ask for gas money. and they only make money off of the bikes that get ran. its $20 per run, or 2 people for $30. one of the bikes ran was a used 07 ninja 6. 103hp. Then Darl, the owner, ran his Vmax. did somewhere around 124hp. sooooo many people were pissed b/c of the rain, that dyno wouldve been goin crzay if everyone rode. everyone was sayin they would ran there bike. i wanted to say "pussies, its only rain, go get your bike" since half of them live in fremont, LOL. some live right down the road. it was a good day tho!! Dark Pond Customs out of Collins, ohio was set-up there. They do custom seats. They do a HELL of a job too!!! ill get pics up when my gets her VTX1300 back. Thanks guys! i wasnt able to take but 5 or 6 ipcs that whole day, but ill em posted.
  13. ok guys, pics are posted on the first post. i raised the price to 700 firm. from 650 where it was before. i knew this thing was clean, but DAMN this thing cleaned up GOOD!! i would kick my self for selling it for 650. let me know!!! (keep the biddng going, lol)
  14. OMG that truck is awesome!!! It DEFINITELY needs 2 tanks with that motor. I love 454's though!! trucks or Chevelle SS!!! that low of miles is crazy!! GLWS!!
  15. heck no, lol. thats like 2 hours from here. bump up the price and ill meet you in Kent. but i would need the money first, or atleast gas money, then if you buy it, ill subtract it from the total. but im giving the guy on here that PM'd me wanting pics the first chance (on this forum) i am cleaning the dust off of it from riding it around the yard and sendin him pics.
  16. yah,. Dans vette, our mustang, and my parents T/A. as long as it aint raining! i can clean up your bike for ya when you get there, if you dont get to it. i bring everythign with me.
  17. hahaha. yah but your Vrod is bad azz. hate to see how dirrty it is now!!!
  18. hahaha keep it comin. I am getting pics for a guy on here tonight. also have a guy in cleveland on the WERA forum interested.
  19. this place used to have em at 213 shipped, now they are 299, but with a free 32bg card
  20. im meeting a guy in elyria tomorrow at 4:30 to sell him my BMX bike, i can bring my 50 along if anyone up that way is interested.
  21. Jumped to 6th... ouch. damn. now it says that voting ends Oct 31st. guess they extended it.
  22. i thought BMW's were cool dual purpose bikes. No, these things are insane. LOADED with crazy features and electronics. You can read all about em in the link i posted. sorry, ill get that today. I believe its retail price, if you want the free bags. ill get more info later today when i go in.
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