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Everything posted by ICEMAN

  1. hahahaha, WTF? thanks man. yah ill have a shitload of pics. ill try to get them uploaded as soon as i get back. my sister has a shitload of pics on her facebook. search for Tracy Walters. her profile pic looks like shes touching the top of a mountain. shes got some awesome pics. shes done A LOT of stuff since shes been here. dives every weekend, or takes long hikes to remote places. shes taken over 4000 pics. she only has a few hundred of them on facebook. we got here like 7-8 hours ago. today is a lil rainy but its our day to chill. when i get back i will upload a bunch to facebook. here is my page. http://www.facebook.com/ICEMANscar
  2. no driving the lambo superlegera. But, I'm not doing that taupo bungy either. I am probably going to be doing a 440 foot bungy jump! Hopefully that works out. We are flying to the south island to queenstown to ski and do a bunch of other stuff. Taking a heli ride to the top of a mountain. Ill have my HD GoPro with me. Hopefully they will let meuse the it with the chest mount on the bungy. I wanna stick it to the outside of the heli on that trip too!! Currently its 7pm in san fransisco and were waiting for another hour to board and head to new zealand! You all have fun!
  3. Im going to New Zealand on Sunday for 11 days!!!!!! SO STOKED! My sister is down there for a year for her work with Ingersoll Rand. Were flyin down to Queenstown for most of the time. bungee jumpin and few more things! ill have my HD GoPro so i should get some sweet video! see you all in a couple weeks!! http://www.taupobungy.co.nz/
  4. The TRX450 DID NOT sell. still for sale!!! $4999!!
  5. Bought a box of stuff on Craigslist from a lady i ended up knowing in my hometown. her sons bike got stolen and she wanted it out of her garaeg. i got the stuff i wanted out of it, and heres whats left. i took a couple of stands, and handlebars, and a couple other small things. looking for 60 bucks for it all, which is basically 5 bucks a part. if seperated, the silencer is 25 and the aluminum sprockets are 10 each. plastic is all 5 bucks each, cheaper if you buy more!!!
  6. tell me about it. even tho the YFZ is carb. and the KFX are Injected, i REALLY like the look of the Yami. Either one tho, for 5G, is a great deal. i have to look at the big 4999 sign on them every friggin day.
  7. nah, too much money to get some ass. haha. white van, sign in cardboard and markers, and half off expired candy from big lots. the sky looks 1000 times better. the solstice would be easier to detail, lol.


    hahaha DMC will dominate tho!!!
  9. anytime!! hahahaha my toenails do need clipped. prolly is my sack. thats my gf's dads work van/pedo van.... hahaha. i just dont have my "free candy" sign on the side. and i dont have the "you must be this tall to ride" sign on it either. in case your wondering, i keep the height sign at the door handle
  10. thanks!!! the dirty part i wasnt worried about, it was the swirl marks and light scratches!! but they are there, NO MORE!! haha you should hear this beast in person. Craig, we should put my HD GoPro on you bike and take it for a spin. i can hook it onto my car and get fly-by's. i need to do that to the mustang.
  11. SOLD! YFZ is still available!!!! next up on the chopping block, an 09 KFX450 Monster Ediition!!!!
  12. hahahahahaha. i would rock a 250 at a trackday, mid-ohio would be a lil hairy. grattan wuoldnt be as bad.
  13. haha. this is the only harley i would own. besides the XR1200. had about 4, maybe 5 hours into it.
  14. I had to (unfiortunately) use the same damn turtle wax soap to wash with. its not nearly as bad as i expected though. Buffed with XMT 360 and orange pad with my 7424XP. XMT 360 is an all in one polish i use on cars that barely need any clear coat correction at all. it has a very light cut to it, and it has a carnauba wax and sealant all together. so, just buff, and your done. Convertible top cleaned with Amazing Roll Off at 20:1 then sealed Engine cleaned with Amazing Roll Off at 10:1 then Stoners More Shine to dress it up wheels and wheel wells also cleaned with ARO at 10:1 since they werent bad. wheel protectant used and Stoners More Shine on the wheel wells. Before... then i stopped for some breakfast.... cinnamin rolls!! then i pulled out the EZup to get started in the shade
  15. AFTERS!!!!!! vinyl stripes, taillight, and seat taped off. and after first run with the SIP then we got a surprise 1 minute downpour, luckily i was under trees, and i seen it comin from the neighbors yard across the street, i ran inside and grabbed my old R6 cover!! didnt fit 100% air suspension raised all the way up... air suspension dropped!! some videos of the bike [nomedia=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOmIebiYiSE&feature=player_embedded]YouTube- Harley NightRod Air Suspension[/nomedia] [nomedia=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UD_QEz-zS5E&feature=related]YouTube- Harley NightRod[/nomedia]
  16. first off, i covered the bike with Amazing Roll Off to get the worst of the stuff off and loosen some things up on the motor and rims. It sure did its job!! then i used a brush on the motor and rinsed the entire bike down. then, I washed it with cheap soap. im waiting for my DP to come in, so i ran uptown and grabbed the best i could find. Turtle Wax, HAHA. it does Sud up VERY nicely!!! ill really test it on this Sky tomorrow!! i really want my DP, haha. then i buffed the plastic with Menzerna Super intensive Polish with a 4" orange Cycle Pad on my drill. then i waxed the plastic with DP MaxWax. then i used a bike polish that ive been using for years, its a spray and wipe. does one HELL of a job! i used that on everything else. leaves a nice shiny finish. does a very good job cleaning. did the rims with it too. this stuff and an old t shirt works perfect on brake dust. then i Sealed the plastic with Wolfgang Deep Gloss Spritz Sealant. im VERY happy with the results!!! all in all, about 4-5 hours total. before... i wiped my finger on the rim to show how dirrty it was.
  17. Hit 70.5 last night with the 16-49 gearing on the 12's!!!
  18. sorry i missed your call, didnt listen to your message until late last night. I was out in graytown ridin the 80.
  19. NOTE: This is NOT the Monster Edition. It is a standard Green model with a Monster Graphics Kit added. We have a brand new 2008 Kawasaki KFX450 with an exhaust & a Bling Star front bumper added by Schiets Motorsports, on sale!!! This quad retails for $7349. (without any accesories) NOW $4999!!!!!!!
  20. damn, ur in lima. i would have to add on 50 bucks just for gas. reg cab? ext cab? with the 50 for gas, youd be lookin around 150-175 for the ext. basically what i did to the underACHIEVA.
  21. i do bikes too. granted, you have no chrome to polish. is you bike the flat black? or was that just the stripes? stripes under the clear? nice. its nice to do a small car every once and while. seems soooooooo easy compared to trucks, suburbans, etc... lol
  22. Dont forget to check us out on Facebook!!!
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