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Everything posted by ICEMAN

  1. shipping prices are as follows. 1 Battery Tender - add $7 to ship. 4 Batter Tenders - add $8 to ship so buy more than 1!!!! shipping is basically the same as buying 1. Shipping is thru UPS.
  2. shipping for one to c.bus would be around 5-6 bucks. thats my guess. if i remember, ill ask on tuesday when we are open next. 25' date=' haha. obviously shipping is cheapr, per unit, the more you buy that would definitely not be a problem. just note it in your order, or call tuesday morning at 9 o clock, the day after, and let em know when you will be up here, as long as they are paid for, we.ll hold em forever.
  3. Here are the 3 Cyber Monday Blowout Deals were doin. Schiets is not open on monday, but the price will be set sunday night til tues morning. Remember, these are online deals only as we are not open on mondays. Battery Tender Jr.'s for ONLY 20 bucks!!! Go to our website to view more! www.schietsmotorsports.com
  4. damn, that woulve been a good detail shop.
  5. you can always call in your order on black friday. 9am-6pm for the Black Friday service specials, the parts must be purchased on black friday and you must show proof of purchase before we work on the unit. Service DOES NOT have to be performed on Black Friday, with the exception of the Off Bike Tire Change. Tire Change deal is only good on Black Friday, tires do not need to be purchased on Black Friday.
  6. i still have my Golden Arrow RC Car from the early 90's from RadioShack. best RC Car that the Shack ever built. These Traxxas are bad ass. The new Ken Block Ford is tight. on Traxxas Home page. www.traxxas.com
  7. how much land? any open land around it, for say, a detailing business?
  8. if anyone wants one, please call the parts department at 419.332.9902 and have a credit card handy! we can only do these 2 right now, then we will have to see how many more we can get.
  9. talked with the Director of Operations and he said... "b/c of the limited mark-up on these units, he does not want to discount the item itself, but he will do FREE SHIPPING!!! There is so little mark up on these, it isnt funny. We currently have 2 on order. Price will be $288.85 SHIPPED! first post updated!
  10. WOW, i just looked and there is BARELY ANY mark up on these things (unusual for a Kawasaki part, LOL). ill see what i can do!
  11. i hear ya on that! im workin on an OR price for members. The first pic i posted, is what i created for the website. def not OR price, lol. I should have a price at by 6pm.
  12. correct. and im working on an OR discount. link changed in first post, sorry for the mix up!
  13. One of the most reliable RC Cars ever built is now available @ Schiets Motorsports for a limited time, with... FREE SHIPPING!!! to Ohio Riders members only. Price is $269.99, after tax its $288.85. These cars are only being sold through Kawasaki. Here is a link to the Traxxas Slash. http://www.traxxas.com/products/models/electric/5803slash The only difference between the Kawasaki Edition and original Slash is basically the appearance. Limited numbers of this Kawasaki Edition are being produced. Here is what it looks like...
  14. will also trade for a MIG welder. not your wal mart special editions either. or an enclosed trailer, all aluminum prefer'd with torsion suspension prefer'd. If you have anything else to trade, let me know what you got! would also trade for a Taurus Judge and LCP together!
  15. i currently have allstate and love it!
  16. Ladies and Gents, its here! Schiets Motorsports Black Friday Sales Event.
  17. will trade for a 05 and newer, in great shape CRF50. if older than 05, better be mint. new radiator shrouds just added to replace the beat up ones that came with it.
  18. same here. 10K plus is what im thinkin. hell, Yamaha's FZ8 is 8,000 bucks.
  19. that def tops the cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. in New Zealand i saw the CB125R's all over the place. looked like a mini CBR600. those were tight as hell!!!
  21. 150r's RIP!!!! its like havin an 85cc 2 stroke, but with the powerband all thru the RPMs instead of just the top end.
  22. looks like the VFR1200!! Looks fuggin sweet!!!
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