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Everything posted by ICEMAN

  1. Its a member of TSBR (not one of the typical members, LOL). S/N is ICHIGO. guy got in a bad wreck last year on his Blackbird and then got this bike. hasnt had it for that long and already stolen. Has a fender eliminator and Techmount on the steering. Keep an eye out! Thanks. It may have a TSBR sticker on it.
  2. All of our in stock Speed & Strength gear and apparel in stock is 25% off. here are a few pics. if your lookin for something in particular, please call 419.332.9902 and ask for parts and ask them if they have it. I am only in for a few hours during the day, so i cant get you an answer right away. We have Hoodies, T-shirts, some jackets, and the pants shown in the pic which are an XL.
  3. I cant remember if there is a comment box, but if there is, please let us know your screen name on Ohio Riders. Thanks!!!!
  4. Please join us for a fun night of harness racing, all while donating to a great cause! The 3rd Annual Run for the 65 Roses will take place on Oct 9 at 5 pm at Raceway Park in Toledo, Ohio. Tickets are $60 which include a prime rib and seafood buffet, $5 betting voucher and 2 complimentary drink tickets!!! There will al...so be a 50/50 raffle and a silent auction. All proceeds benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. This event is lots of fun! my girlfriend is running it this year! (she has CF) hope you like my flyer!!!!! You dont actually "run"... you watch the horse races!!! lol $33 of every ticket goes to the foundation and is tax deductible.
  5. now thats a more comfortable bike.
  6. damn nice bike!!! i was moer comfortable on my R6 than my SV1000. I rode em both to Columbus to the OhioRiders Dyno Day in seperate years, and they were about equal for when i started to hurt. But the R6 was more comfortable for shorter rides. and faster! and easier handling, obviously.
  7. if you looked under an 09 gixxer 600, front brake master cylinder, it was number 1 (complete master cylinder) and number 12 (complete resi), thats it! subtotal $195.21 P/N 59600-01H20 & 59740-07D00 put those 2 in, and fill out the info and shipping address and it will get a total after tax and shipping. unless you order itt o come into schiets, which is free shipping, then come pick it up during our 50th Anniversary Open House!!!!!!! on october 1st and 2nd!!! free food!!! It came out to $205 on a competitors site (noone on OhioRiders) that is saying 20% off there OEM parts. That just shows that we did not mark up the price before the discount!!!
  8. welp, here is the latest on the 80!!! went 70mph for a lil too long on the road! tore the bike apart and got the cylinder off... next is the motor... not lookin too good around the crank. lots of metal chips. side of the piston is unharmed and still very smooth top of the piston is TOAST... cylinder wall is just as smooth as the side of the piston.
  9. no prob! I had the dark gray SV1000 before i had my R6. i wanted to add the lowers too, but the empty mid section grew on me!
  10. forgot to mention, the rear suspension can be tightened. spanner wrench!
  11. the lowers are not considered an OEM part for your year. They are a Factory Accessory. But, i will get you an OR price on the lowers for your year of SV tomorrow. what about the chin spoiler (thats what i call it) fairing?
  12. sorry man, my bad! i added it to original post! thanks!! awesome! Thanks!!!
  13. This is a great deal for anyone needing OEM parts for Honda, Suzuki, Kawasaki, and Honda! Again, if you find it cheaper, call and talk to our parts department and let them know! Remember, the price shown on the site is 20% off, and the prices were not raised before i set the discount!
  14. holy hell, i didnt even notice that beast!
  15. i never did that to the one we had here........ (looking both ways, then i turn around and walk away.....) haha. just not a smokey one!
  16. yah, guy comes in here on his FIAT with Akro slip-ons, that sounds good enough!!! would love to hear a full exhaust.
  17. GLWS...... thanks, now it definitely wont sell... haha. thanks!
  18. yah i know. instead of looking for a house, i wish i had the house and was looking for a bike, id eat this deal up ASAP. that would look DAMN good!!!! and some white Marchesini's!!
  19. we had a 500 at the shop, i think Thiels has it now on a dealer trade. these things are VERY stable on the road and thru turns! i rode it to Bike Night in tiffin. Its a scooter, so its boring after a few minutes, but they are nice, very good quality! good price!
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