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Everything posted by ICEMAN

  1. dooooood! that looks awesome!
  2. hahaha, nice!!!!! hope to see u there!!!
  3. ohhhh yah it iz!!!!!!!! Honda East OWNS that site. They did let Jazz Motorsports be a vendor on that site too. which is hilarious b/c Jazz is right down the street from Honda East. LOL. Jazz is good peeps tho!!
  4. i got banned for 30 days, a while back, for saying SCHIETS on the forum, hahahahaha
  5. you only need to get 2 or 3 pieces resprayed and ur good to go! if you wetsand and buff, a lot of it will come out! did that to my 06 50th ann. plastics!
  6. its in the service manual. "Hurry up and chug a Busch Lite, then grab your 4 and 5mm allens and get to work!!!!" GLWS, hahaha
  7. we have this 750 aero. this shadow is in VERY nice shape!! have him come in and we can see what we can do on the price! we just got it in! Currently at $3999. http://www.schietsmotorsports.com/showcaseproductdetail.htm?ID=100006&Used=1 SOLD...
  8. buddy has a complete set of plastics off of a 06 cbr 600rr, he laid it down and bought a hong kong set off of ebay and is looking to get rid of these ones. There is some rash on 2 or 3 pieces as seen in the pictures, this set is complete, including windshield and tank cover, everything is OEM , they dont look bad at all when on the bike. he's looking for $600, not really looking to seperate and only trade he's interested in is a dirtbike, PM me for his contact info

    ps3 games

    20 shipped for tiger woods?
  10. i also added a date at the top of when the current deals expire, in case i forget to take some pics/prices down!!
  11. hahahahaha, PLEASE "GOD" DONT BAN ME!! BANNED for 30 days. haha nice to see a few others on here!! coming over from the 1-sided side, lol.
  12. 3 Red Kawasaki Vulcan 500's added!! PERFECT beginner bike!!!!
  13. dont forget about this now!!! still gion on!!!
  14. come see the ol' shop! then head back towards toledo. only a couple hours out of the way!!! haha
  15. i would drive 2.5 hours to do that!! if i had one that was street legal.
  16. YOTA, what sprockets you got on yours?
  17. i have one thats 7or 8 teeth smaller. i cut the chain a link too short that i got for it, so im waiting on some extra master links to come in! should be in today. so i threw on this big sprocket off the dirt rims and used the chain that was on it when i bought it, which actually cleaned up VERY well and is a good chain. the track here in fremont is so small that this big sprocket might be a good set up, lol. i can always keep this big rear sprocket on, and throw on the 1 tooth smaller front still!!!! haha
  18. oh god i wish!!! and its July 31st, my birthday, so everyone has to bring me a present! then bring rte 12 to fremont!!! haha
  19. ive put a lot of money into my truck lately also and i am thinking the same thing. should i get something else, but i kind of cant right now. SUCKS.
  20. yuo guys should leave early and all stop in at schiets!!!! then take go north 10 miles and run rte 105 down to rte 23, or to BG, then up to toledo! 105 is very fun!!!!
  21. ill be out there tonight. should get there around 6pm. wish my truck didnt break down on me, id bring the 80 out, along with some cones and make a lil track in the parking lot!!! Dont forget to print out your voucher for a free Monster Energy Drink at Schiets, stop on in sometime!!!
  22. as i lowside, lol HOLY SHIT. i rode this thing last night for the first time. I am shifting every other second, it wheelies in almost all the gears effortlessly, lol. and will top out around 40, LOL. DEFINITELY need a stiff rear shock sey-up on this thing. my azz is squattin it down like a foot.
  23. i just remembered, i still need to bleed the rear brake, its not working. lol, that would suck!!!!
  24. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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