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Everything posted by ICEMAN

  1. yes. this bike is 100% besides the small scuffs... besides those small scuffs, bike is EXCEPTIONALLY clean!!!
  2. located in fremont. about 25 min from BG. take 105 to rte 20 and rte 20 to the rte 19 / oak harbor rd exit. you will see a big sign that says MOTORCYCLES. its that exit. address is here... Schiets Motorsports 1557 Oak Harbor Road Fremont OH 43420 i am there from 3-6pm tomorrow. my name is Greg. If you get there any earlier, ask for Dan Clark.
  3. nothing is being left out. it is a green 05 with those VERY minor scuff marks and that small crack. thats it. i havent left anything out. what else do you want to know... i rode the 05 to the AMA races at mid-ohio and the 04 to a bike night in tiffin last week. both bikes are in prefect mechanical condition. the 05 has the scuff and crack, the 04 doesnt have the scuff and crack. dont know what u r missing. its all right here in the thread...
  4. b/c the 05 is a SWEET deal, so is the 04!! just a lil special!!!!
  5. it has VERY faint scuffs on the flat black chin pice on one side and a small crack in the plastic at the mount bolt by the flat black piece! its hard to see the crack and the scuffs are VERY hard to see.
  6. yessir!!! and the 05 i posted!!! STEALS!!!!
  7. as it says... Muzzy slip on, ricky gadson signature on tank (i know it doesnt really add top value, just posting up that it has it, lol). thats it!! and 19K. very good condition!!! call 419-332-9902 and as for dan or nate. here is an image...
  8. near mint condition!!!! as the title says 2005 Kawasaki Ninja ZX10R with ONLY 8,000 miles!! Green Integrated Taillight with fender eliminator. Ninja Swingarm liscence plate mount.. all shown below!!!! STEAL STEAL DTEAL!!!!! call 419-332-9902 and as for dan or nate.
  9. HH pads FTW. just put some on the other week and used em at a trackday and fell in love. started using them more on the street lately and MAN are they nice to have!!!! DEF A LOT better than stock!!
  10. dude you should make a SHIT load of these things and sell em to the lazy people!!!!!!
  11. exactly what i was thinkin!! im 6'2" 200lbs and fit PERFECT on my 06 R6.
  12. oh yah!! get an old GL1000!!!!! maybe an 1100... i think you just gave me an idea for my nexr projekt for when my ninja is done!!
  13. thats why my R6 is my track bike and im building my 89 ZX10 Sport Tourer!!!!!!!!
  14. will do!!!!! haha. 2 and a hald years almost!! this will def be an 3 year build!!! i plan on having this completed spring of 2010 at the earliest!!! still got a LOT of work to do. gotta mold FJR or Concourse mount brackets and hard bags to it and sand and paint the plastics. I rebuilt the forks with Progressive soft springs for a nicer ride. every bearing exterior of the engine has been replaced with new OEM or All Balls.
  15. Got the rear Wheel mounted!!!
  16. *UPDATE AS OF AUGUST 12, 2009* Got the steering stem bearings together and bottom triple mounted. Just need to torque down the top bolt to 43 in/lbs. very light pressure. I got it by hand, to where there is no wiggle, but it spins freely on the bearings without feeling any pressure at all so im gonna leave it there. Got the frame bracket/engine mount bolted to the frame also. only have 3 of the 8 bolts, rest are on B/O for a week, but im not torqin it down b/c the engine is not in. i need to grind out some of the powdercoating in the upper triple. In a spot i forgot to have Jeff plug off. Once i do that, i will mount the upper triple, and then slide in the forks, front axel, front wheel. Then put on the clipons and have the front end completed. A bolt im waiting on should be in today or tomorrow to get the rear suspension and swingarm mounted up to the frame!!!! here is my current stop!!
  17. HUGE UPDATE for this forum... havent updated this on here for a LOOOONG time!!! got everything powdercoated and some assembled!!! Im making it a sport touring bike!! check it out!!!!!!! (dont mind the flowery blanket, lol, i keep it in my car as a rag, or to set stuff on in my car)
  18. just tell him to go watch the advanced riders from other parts of the track, he wont get bored!!! in beginner, he can go sit in and watch the "classroom" time. which there are usually only 4 classroom sessions. but he can sit in and "supervise" lol. the only down time would then be while your out riding. but he can be taking pics. get a good camera!! its worth it!!
  19. it was nice to meet ya man!! and i did get turn one, knee down thru the whole turn at about 84 85 mph. hit it at about 90 at the fastest. That was a fun trackday!!!!
  20. just dont forget to get your ticket for the prizes, you get it when you sign in. i won a two-bros t-shirt and hat at grattan, then the next guy won a set of bridgestone tires.. lucky fukker, lol... sweet. i may take you up on the tow. i ALWAYS go slow thru turn one, about 90mph. i know i can go about 20mph faster. i know the "A" guys go faster, lol...
  21. awesome!! i was debating on doing novice, i did it at grattan, b/c i never rode the track. ive done 2 intermediate days at Mid-Ohio. the TR days, they do good with novice, they still let you get out and run hard after the first session. Atleast they did at grattan... im doing intermediate, but i hate intermediate at TR days... full of the "should be novice" guys... so im debating on switching to stay out of the clusterfuk... then i could really work on some things with yah. have you follow me, and me follow you, etc...
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