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Everything posted by ICEMAN

  1. +1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your tuning abilities will be more used when people get into the shop to check it out. tuning only isnt gonna get people in the door. some, but not a lot. If someone can buy an exhaust, filter, and PCIII and get it tuned all at the same place. it makes for an easy buy. Its a turn off at schiets, b/c we dont tune, but 99% of the people that buy an exhaust and a PCIII are COMPLETELY satisfied with the basic preset map. most dont even know they can get it dyno tuned. thats why you need to do more, then people will see that you tune and what it can do.
  2. here is a session at mid-ohio... 06 R6 50th anniversary the camera is mounted to a gixxer600. GoPro Camera. The old 3 megapixel NON wide angle. The new camera i a 5MP wide angle lens. bad azz!! cant wait to take it to the track and use it!!! its got 100 times better sound and picture quality. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEMI28PljCA
  3. if i wasnt riding down, id bring my BMX bike, 29t front sprocket, in 2 seconds your at top speed, lol...
  4. just say NO Credit Cards!! make it easy on ya!!
  5. there was a dyno set-up in downtown indy during the XDL stunt show at MotoGP, thing was constantly runnin!!
  6. Iron Pony sells stuff for MSRP like every other shop. they have deals on things, just like any other shop. So he can compete with them. He can do like Honda East does on TSBR. Club discounts. He is already in VERY good standing on this forum as it shows!!!! So he could start a club discount, if it doesnt work out, it doesnt work out, i say its 100% worth trying out. There are a lot of people on this forum, and a good hook-up on parts would be great!! Like us (Schiets) and Honda East in Toledo. They have 3-4 times the inventory of bikes as we do, but that means squat, we still compete no problem.
  7. no way. if thats the truth, they wouldve already bought out schiets, lol... people come from out to state just to get gear from us also. a lot of people go to Iron Pony, but not everyone buys from there. i know a lot of people who go there, try a lot on, come back to schiets and order everything, even tho they couldve gotten it right there. b/c they like us and want to order from the place they deal with. i have even told people, go to Iron Pony, try stuff on, come back and let us know. We can tell people that b/c 99% of them will come back and order the stuff. Loyal Customers right there!! If he keeps his shop in good standing, people will go to Iron Pony just to try stuff on and order from him. especially if he tells customers he will beat there prices. and its a nice ride down to Iron Pony from up here!! so its nice to go somewhere else and check stuff out, we know theyll be back!!!
  8. true. forgot about iron pony being there. but... 1. ya gotta start somewhere... 2. cant be only 1 place that sells gear. need competition!
  9. dont sell, just have a mandatory tip jar, lol, and you only need signs hanging that say must be over 21. break out the grill. do it once a month over summer or sumthin!! and you could always have the dyno open to use!!
  10. yes, tires have one of the biggest mark-ups. 100+% mark-up. and sportbikes are the easiest. even if the wheel is on the bike. you could do em super cheap if they are off the bike. say free mounting and balancing if you buy a set and have the rims off the bike!! hey. the guy who powdercoated my 89 ninja, he is very cheap in price compared to other coaters, hes just over the border into michigan. name is jeff. check him out. he also has a guy who is very cheap per hour at sandblasing, and does very good. Jeff likes to get in with clubs and hook people up!!! heres some of his work... Jeffs Powder Coating heres my ninja frame and swingarm and my R6 swingarm he did... i had his sandblaster do the frame, i did the swingarms... here is some of his other work.... did the rims gold Did the orange rim!!!
  11. +1000... thats a way to get more business!! its funny how many people come into schiets and say "i dont need a jet kit" b/c there friend, who has a completely different model of bike, didnt need one on his. EVERY bike is different. All (carb) bikes could use a jet kit right out of the factory pretty much, all bikes could use one after putting pipes on. Doesnt mean they need it.
  12. i will definitely keep this is mind at schiets!!!!!! ill post up and ask, maybe for an open house we could get ya up here!!! we are open on saturdays from 9-3, so thats the 6 hours!!!
  13. haha, hellz yah!! they have a ride somewhere in the world thats bikes. theres a video on youtube of a group of guys in race suits and helmets riding on it, lol. but its not as fast as a bike. and bikes dont do barrel rolls (on purpose) haha only when you flip em in the pea gravel at mid-ohio... wait that was me.. DOH!!
  14. come on into Schiets and check the place out man!! we are a smaller shop, we keep a good inventory of mainly helmets and "cheaper" priced jackets like Castle and Speed & Strength. We dont carry much Alpinestar or ICON b/c the market here isnt really big for it. Just ICON gloves and shirts and Monster Gear is always a hit!! that stuff sells like hot cakes!!! our best selling helmets are the HJC CL-15 (140 bux, snell approved) and CS-R1 (80 bux) for full face, and the GMAX3/4 helmets are a HUGE hit. they are good quality helmets at very good prices. We are not worried about competition or anything else, we are at the spot your lookin to be. We dont patch our name onto everything and try to sell ourselves thru putting our name on everything, most of our customers are from word of mouth. Its ALL about customer service. If you have that already, your on your way!!! Good customer service = repeat customers. Some places have cheaper prices, whether its bikes or gear, granted we are usually on the cheaper side on gear, but good customer service brings everyone back!!
  15. ride Top Thrill Dragster at Cedar Point, its 0-100 in like 4 seconds, so just double it and your pretty much there. Except on a bike would be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much cooler!!
  16. ICEMAN


    goose goose... whats up man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. ICEMAN


    ummm... no, lol, i live next to a nuke plant. hes far away. im 5 min from the plant, hes like 35 minutes.
  18. that would be sweet!!!! whats it rated at the crank?
  19. ICEMAN


    sounds good man!!! ill hook you up with a military discount!!
  20. just dont wreck it!! expensive wreck!! lol... im just sayin we have one in stock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i took it out last year and its INSANE!!! handles very nice and has loads of power for sittin up so straight!!
  21. warriors are VERY nice too. forgot those. took one to bike week last year!! they handle EXTREMELY well, prolly the best handlin bruiser out there!!!!! its quick too!!!!!!!!! we may have a used one in stock!!!
  22. Nothing is better than the Vmax, lol... besides sport bikes!! Yamaha Raider 1900cc!!!! thing handles AWESOME and is a SUPER comfortable ride and is INSANELY fast for a bruiser, i mean cruiser!!! and has a sweet stock sound. M109 has torque up the wahzoo!!! and feels sweet when you hammer on it, shaft drive, lifts you up 3-4 inches when you gun it!!! VTX1800 not the best. new fury = ugly, and only has a 1300 engine, but itll be fuel injected
  23. weve got some 250's and 450's and some dual purpose in stock on showroom floor!!! if anyone has any questions about whats in stock call 419-332-9902, ask for Dan Clark. hes one of our best salesman!!!!! as she said in the first post of this thread!!!
  24. cant test ride a new Vmax, lol... you just need to let them know your interested, dont say, hey i was told i could ride anything. lol. just say, hey im interested in trading up, lol..
  25. ICEMAN


    hey man, im 20 min east from yah in oak harbor, welcome!!! my gf's brother is in 1/24th. Corporal Adam Webert. He has a 929. i know hes tryin to sell it bc he got a house and wants to hold off for a while on a bike. he rarely rides it. cool guy!! make sure to say hey to him. let him know Greg, his sisters bf, told ya!! i work at Schiets Motorsports in Fremont, 20 min east of yah just off of rte 20. Check us out come on in and say hey sometime!! check out our latest review from a few cool chix on this forum!! http://ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=21742
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