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Everything posted by ICEMAN

  1. lol, no prob man!! the dyno day was fun!! lots of people, the ride there and back wasnt to cold!! but i have heated gear so i was fine!! lol
  2. im in oak harbor, and work at schiets motorsports in fremont. stop on in sometime. names greg, i work in parts. bike nights in toledo start wednesday!! i ride 105 and portage river south all the time!! and do trackdyas at mid-ohio!!
  3. only heard one good story from State 8, and about 1000 bad stories, lol
  4. I have never bought a brand new bike either, my 05 gs500f was a year old with 1300miles on it, my SV (i just got plain screwed on) was a few years old, my 06 R6 was a year old with 1100 miles on it. this guy has money, lol, he has like 3 or 4 grand into that busa now. and im not sure if he put money down for a new vmax or not, not sure if it was him. we stride to say hi, at the least, to everyone who walks in the door. noone, unless were CRAZY swamped, gets past the top stair in our parts department without getting a "hey, hows it goin". i sound like a wal-mart greeter at work, lol. even if im talkin to someone at the counter, ill make sure i say it to anyone who walks in. granted some places, like Honda East, there parts counter is at the opposite end of where you walk into parts, so its hard to see everyone who walks in, so they should have someone walking around. I havent been in there in a year, year and a half.
  5. honda east might have some of the best prices around, but there customer service is as good as a rock. you dont hear a word from anyone, you get to the parts counter, they say "what do you need" then its "well have it in 3-5 days" and noone says anything on the way out. (this was all before i worked at schiets) we get people in at schiets, usually a couple people a week who say they left honda east because noone ever talked to them. my buddy went in with cash in hand to buy an orange 08 busa, noone talked to him for 30 min, he went to a better dealership and bought an orange 08 busa!! i dont say any of this meaning to talk bad about them. too many people complain about there customer service. They will talk to you if they know you is all ive heard. before i worked at schiets i dealt with them for everything b/c of the discount thru a toledo bike club, but i starting going to schiets more and more after i wouldnt get a word until i got back to the parts counter. parts guys there are pretty cool, thats about it. (i take that back, the one sales chick asked me how i was doing a long time ago!!)
  6. the early SV's made less power? i didnt know that. at the dyno day 2 years ago i pulled 106hp and 71 or 72 tq with my bone stock 05 SV1000s.
  7. here is my vid... gotta love bouncin off at 18K!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3dzIQbwqhk
  8. it was definitely fun!!!! nice ride down from oak harbor also!! heated gear is the shit!!!
  9. 2006 50th Anniversary R6 bon stock, just Yosh R55 slip-on 104 hp 41 tq
  10. me and a few others will be there!!! hopefully 5 or 6 of us, but atleast 3 or 4
  11. hey, there are a few of us meeting up at Thiels Wheels in Upper Sandusky on saturday at 10:30am to go to the Dyno Day. your more than welcome to meet up with us. its at the intersection of 23 and 53!!!
  12. see you all there at noon!!! hopefully have 4 or 5 other peeps from up north with me!!
  13. i know the employees in IP are def nice and willing to help. granted i only go in there to try stuff on, then order it thru schiets at my cost, haha. but they are very helpful!! and ive recommended them to people at schiets who wanna try stuff on, i tell em to go to IP then come back up and ill beat the price!!
  14. ICEMAN


    oh yah!! just watch out for the guy swingin the 3ft scrub brush at motorcycles ridin by, hahahahahahahahahaha 100mph+ and a guy in the road swingin a 3ft scrub brush at us... hahahaahaha
  15. yah same here!! im still on TMCF, but i made a SCAR forum now. www.sanduskycountyareariders.com so i can post up about schiets and get some more people in sandusky to join up b/c they didnt wanna deal with stuff in toledo. lol. and Schiets wants to get really involved with a group!! just started it not too long ago!!

  16. seen the bike completed at best buy the other day, colors look sweet!!
  17. ICEMAN


    rte 65 from perrysburg to grand rapids.
  18. hey goosey!!! whats up man!!!!

  19. i have an 06 R6 50th ann. I put the Clear Alternatives Integrated Taillight on it, and will be cutting a piece of stainless, use the four holes underneathe and one bend to the plate. and you can buy a single LED to stick on the tail that shines down for a plate. thats the cheapest. or you can buy a piece thats already cut, and has the R6 logo on it, and comes with an LED, but its like 60 bucks i think. itll be 20 bucks to make your own. im even debating on making a cardboard mockup and making one out of fiberglass.
  20. Cy, which who you dealt with on the purchase in parts, should be calling you today.
  21. ICEMAN


    Davis Besse Nuke Plant is a good half hour east from the border of michigan, then another 15-20 min north up to monroe from toledo. i just wish the Nuke Plant helped the girls around here look better, instead of worse!!
  22. it was nice to see u 2 ladies again!! hope you enjoy your bike!!! let me know if you need anything
  23. that things look awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. hehehe.. ROLL OUT THE RED CARPET!!!
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