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Everything posted by jhaag

  1. i got a lol out of that.
  2. well, thats why i like RP so much. he's consistent, a straight shooter, he follows 'the rules' and he doesnt pull any punches. i'm not nominating him for sainthood, but show me anyone else with even a shred of the same integrity, ya know?
  3. each candidate has had their surge, but RP support has been consistently on the rise. santorum just got his surge at the right time. i think the message is that people are tired of politics as usual and are starting to pay attention to RP as a constitutional conservative/libertarian, understanding his POV and finding themselves agreeing with it even though it takes some real research to get to his message. this, due to the fact that neither 'side' wants him there and tries to make him look like a kook. these neocons are just catching on to the stronger points of his message and trying to capitalize on it, then sticking to the popular, yet idiotic, 'bomb everybody' mentality and calling him an isolationist. it really is lunacy. so, i see it as a very successful night for RP especially since he has no major financial backing (sorry no citation on that) and super incompetent media coverage. i think 8 yrs of RP would be the best thing that could happen to this country.
  4. pretty much a three way tie. But, santorum has no chance. he just cherry picked the we-want-to-make-everyone-be-like-us evangelicals. he and romney both remind me of cheesy used car salesmen.
  5. ...as long as they have SV engines, that is.
  6. i'm on the electric hater list. i used a remington foil for years, then a rotary one with the lotion....what a pita and it looked like a bodily fluid that i would rather not have on my face. i got razor burn from the electrics worse than with a razor for trying to get a closer shave and the heat generated by the blades. i switched to a mach 3 and now my face is as smooth as a spanked babys ass. i'll use a blade way past the point of the little strips falling off (i'm not that big of a pussy as to need all that). and +1 on the blades getting dirty, not dull; hair is softer than Ti/steel. also, i've always wanted to use a straight razor, that would be kind of pimp.
  7. i see what you did there.... this guy knows how its done!
  8. i'm sure he is a keeper. buuuuut,i lova da ladies! true dat, true dat...
  9. lol i'll have to pass, but its the thought that counts.
  10. this. sometimes you can find them electronically on a forum, but i've gotten more than one virus doing that. i prefer a book, anyway. i usually pay between $25 - 50 for them.
  11. wow! please post stats and pics of any/all available, like-minded, female relatives for life-partner consideration (i.e. sisters, cousins, etc). Thanks.
  12. lol i was getting ready to ask the same thing!
  13. "now, pimpin aint easy, but its necessary." - Ice Cube
  14. sign me up for the sand dune jump!
  15. i love this place and i love every one of you fuckers!
  16. lol well, you're a bigger man than me. i just go ahead and be nice to people to their faces while quietly loathing them until i find a reason to reverse myself.
  17. no, no, no you i think you have to do something wonderful in order to receive a stranger for Christmas. i just wonder if you have to give yourself the stranger or if, in fact, strange, in general, is considered a stranger? clarification is needed, i think. aaaaanyway, cool gesture by the lady; i agree with IP; rep to blosser; and the dif, w/re to JRMii, is that the charity was given by free-will, not taken from one party by another and dispersed as the 2nd party saw fit. Merry Christmas and BAH Humbug!!
  18. why do you hate people, recon?
  19. jhaag

    Tire Disposal

    i asked the guy at NTB once if i could throw mine in the pile and he was cool with it. its not like it costs them any more money to have them hauled away. he said, "I dont care, man. someone will probably take them over night, anyway. lol". and i said, "well the front has a huge cut in the side wall, so they'll probably bring it back. lol". then we both lol'd together........it was touching.
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