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Everything posted by jhaag

  1. Idk. If she wants a guy like dear old dad she might have to be patient. He looks to be a tough act to follow.
  2. the rice paddy is a good place in columbus. http://www.ricepaddymotorcycles.com/
  3. wow. that is very impressive.
  4. there are two diy yards. both are south of the city. pick and pull is south off of 104 on groveport rd and u-pick it is also on 104 just north off of alum creek. $1 to get in and take what you need; they are cheap too. i.e. i just got a toyota 4runner electronic locking rear differential with wiring harness and ecu for $123. it took me two hours to pull it but it was worth every second. they may or may not have exactly what you need but they do keep inventory of which vehicles they have so you might call first. also, you can learn how to do it without worrying about messing something up......like free practice, if you need it, that is.
  5. this thread is racial....
  6. jhaag


    wait...you were supposed to go to bed two pages ago!
  7. you guys dont know nuthin bout my dad.
  8. jhaag


    yeah, but you went to school in dayton........i think thats the variable here.
  9. My friend and I used to shoot bullfrogs around his pond with his dads 30-06. Pieces of those things flew 30 ft in the air or better and the only other evidence was a cone shaped hole in the mud about a foot deep.
  10. there's a joke in there somewhere. re: sunseekers stance: so, what is being argued here is that my actions, whatever they may be and well within my rights, should be dictated by the lack of education on the subject, complacency and apathy of those around me? its like making the test easier so the dumb kids do better. this is the problem with the world today........IMO.
  11. jhaag

    pot, meet kettle.

    This is clearly the case.....he was taking the drug dealer to rehab.
  12. I had this prob on my tlr. It was the rr but I still checked the whole system per the factory manual. You may also have a grounding issue to chase as well. If you have a multi meter for ac and dc it's not too hard to work out. Good luck.
  13. man, i hate runnin out of squeef.
  14. does the plate read "Gay Car"?
  15. jhaag

    Senate Bill 5

    fearmongering? lol i mearly try to open your mind. you clearly continue to mistake your indoctrination with education, your heinous. sarcasm must not be your thing. anyone who has read any of my political posts should find it mind numbingly obvious where my political affiliation lies and that it has been, if anything, consistent. i have not once made mention of raising taxes for the wealthy. so, this leaves me with the only conclusion being that you have me mistaken with some one else (no sarcasm). man, and i thought i needed to get laid......
  16. why didnt barbie ever get pregnant? cause ken came in a different box!
  17. congrats! nice shooting, soldier!
  18. lol yeah, i was all excited i got to make a funny!
  19. oh, wait. you're looking for bikes......nevermind. good luck!
  20. jhaag

    Senate Bill 5

    i find it to be extremely offensive to have a public, tax payer funded group of workers unionizing against those they have been hired to teach and protect, politicians included (obviously not union, but tax payer funded, nonetheless). thats the biggest slap in the face, to me. based on my personal experience the majority of workers here pay between 20 and 50 percent of their benefits. so, why are public sector employees entitled to better? pension? whats that? if these people want to be pissed at anyone its their respective unions, they're the ones who built the workers up and put them in this position, and in some cases unjustifiably, not the tax payers (dont forget, they're the ones against whom you are unionizing). again, what makes these people so entitled when many dont have the same or similar pay and benefits? isnt this the time for spreading the wealth? well, i'm not feeling the love right now, either. especially when we're being told we all have to make sacrifices.........all except the public sector, i guess. i dont wish anyone to lose their benefits, jobs or have their pay drastically cut, that is just unreasonable. but, i think its a step in the right direction in the name of sustainability, to use the parlance of our time, and the politicians should be next; i mean lets try to be consistent, here. i have faith that, given the opportunity, good men and women will not let these workers suffer, but will, also, not let it be as easy. so, how bout we stop with all the bellyaching and fear mongering. if we want to make a real difference why dont we start calling out or politicians for not representing the people instead of special interests, corporations..........and worst of all, themselves. A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; And a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels. But fools despise wisdom and instruction.
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