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Everything posted by Linc5.0

  1. i thought I did pretty good for motor. Sam and I should be solid when I got the spray on!
  2. i was there in the RX7, had a blast. Great racing
  3. if im not in vegas I will throw a huge party at my house and go thru arge amounts of highly illegal fireworks and booze...i will also make a bad ass waterslide in my backyard. all invited
  4. yea i saw dudes doing this in cancun its amazing.
  5. IM sorry Tim. I know how pationate you are about your dogs. Glad you got to say goodbye
  6. Congrats Bro! Good for you, now the key is to not put yourself back in that situation.
  7. I second that . shut the fuck up mike your annoying
  8. Fuck the DSm is what impressed me,it moved the fuck out.
  9. id go but car wont be done till next week.
  10. Lol. That's what mark does beat, goooo big
  11. I think I should be a MOD, not only am I dropped dead sexy but I cut the owners "yards" if you know what I mean...and i think you do...
  12. thank you. i did one on a back road by alum last year it was about three miles long and one handed...antwon and monte were there to attest. lol
  13. I was prolly one of the bikes you heard but I wS riding by myself. But I got on it in every gear
  14. wow, I hope you were high when you said that.
  15. Like I said in the vid...thats my money
  16. You guys say a chase is a race...i never once saw the other bike. I just rode my race, only thing I was looking at was my tach. So a chase is a race does not apply here.... everyone there knew these fucks lost and I won but oh well....wasnt worth fighting over.
  17. Good times... that the first time I raced for money, won, and didnt get paid....scandolous fucks
  18. Yes but as you know it's not us that mess it up.lol
  19. All seeding is hit or miss bud.
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