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Everything posted by Linc5.0

  1. well done Rob. Everythhing looks reallly good. the exhaust is def lowwww, but who's isnt.lol
  2. Linc5.0


    so i took the rx7 out and thought...might as well spray it...so i put the 300 jets in...all i can say is I didnt realize as stock motor could handle a 300 shot...i was wrong... oh well:bangbang:
  3. i can get an entire bike painted for that price...i get its alot of detail work but damnnnn. and i do like it by the way
  4. They call me the "gut crusher", cus i be crushin them guts son....
  5. Rob I'll take it for 300?But I wanna see how bad strip is in person first if cool with u?
  6. I will, pull ur head out robs loose ass n tell him hi and I miss him...
  7. Kid couldn't drive the 4.6 whY's he gonna do with this? Lol
  8. http://hphotos-snc3.fbcdn.net/hs157.snc3/18450_274292716519_545206519_3437083_722725_n.jpghttp://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs157.snc3/18450_274291886519_545206519_3437082_3549767_n.jpg this is my back yard...the overflow is the very back corner of the property. Farm behind it...
  9. almost home my man! cant wait to see how she does!
  10. I have two n half acres and like half of it is underwater... and my pond is flooding into the yard...ill take pics tomorrow.
  11. so your saying your a pussy whipped mooch at 31???
  12. no he swung I dodged, got in close head butted and sent his teeth thru his lip...bad part is it was one of my friends...hes got a scar to prove it.lol actually...about 4 months ago now that i think about it....Rhett ran his mouth and was getting his ass kicked....I grabbed the guy on top of him and threw him head first into street meat cart...but I wouldnt consider that a fight...that was me ending it as usual.lol
  13. last year...guy swung, I head butted...gameover
  14. ive heard this for years....i always wondered if it were true.
  15. I used to hate JP, then I realized he's just a dumb bitch like me! I miss cleveland...so easy to win up there.lol
  16. this is a great deal for a fast 500plus whp evo!
  17. Linc5.0


    i know...ima try tho
  18. Linc5.0

    I'm a Dad!

    congrats Jono! You and I fathers who woulda thought....i got two now though...whole nother level of crazy
  19. Linc5.0


    Thanks bud! I appreciate it. gonna stay low key tonight...dont need any trouble
  20. Thanks man! I appreciate it!
  21. ps. as I recall im the one that bought your silver blown up evo...that was you right?
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