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Everything posted by Linc5.0

  1. its all good bro. I always got love for ya and your POS boat.lol
  2. i was referring to doing this tomorrow
  3. ive seen several that still arent...
  4. Anyone wanna get out drifted by a plow truck....? lets get it on...
  5. lol. hot heads ftw...God knows Im one.
  6. I just got my first. I like it alot. Mountain hardware is the shit.
  7. Learn patience. Once your child is born, you will be sooo tired and frustrated that you will actually understand how people could go crazy and loose it...
  8. makes me feel good about man kind.
  9. Im currently looking for someone to watch my son and possibly daughter in powell. I would prefer to pay someone to come to my house or i could take them there. if anyone knows anyone interested please let me know.
  10. Fuck movies lets go to the bar Doc do you ever endulge?
  11. u pay for gas and ill do it for free. sorry I never got back to you on the car. its been crazy busy. do you still have it>
  12. four wheeler. dirtbike. course i bought them for myself! pair of seven jeans, northface jacket, etc...
  13. E, the 7 ran the best the night it blew up!lol
  14. Yep. yea i didnt post anything surprisingly. it was all over fb tho.lol
  15. Congrats. My son Kaidan was born on the ninth....welcome to no sleep
  16. Linc5.0

    at&t i phone

    my iphone was in its 50 dollar case clipped to my belt....it fell off the clip at 150mph on the R1....the phone survived....never found the case....and the phones all scratched now...
  17. Brandon, I think my brother might want these. ill let you know in the morning.
  18. thats what you get for messing with vettes
  19. I meant motor wise homeskillet....
  20. mike, the car is bone stock down to the filter
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