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Everything posted by Linc5.0

  1. might at as well undercut me, everyone else and their brother has this year
  2. I used to strip actually, funny story....anyways. i think that the shenanigans going on between both shops makes them both look like fucking jokes....its called the high road guys, try it sometime....
  3. I think they would both puss out and I would whoop both they's asses!
  4. wow. at this point, im dont know wether to feel bad for you or bitch slap you...you and mark failed on this one....
  5. Linc5.0

    Really? Wtf.

    i love drinking in the morning....
  6. was that CAVIN driving?lol
  7. usually whatever it costs to maintain the club....divided by the number of members
  8. Im not for sure getting it homie!
  9. Yes. Its at denny dotson, im supposed to go check it out monday.
  10. sorry bud. I am going to be picking that car up on monday.
  11. no he is saying riding a 600 is easier to ride around then a 1000....the extra power is good dont get me wrong but can also fuck you if you dont know what you doing. Easier to pin a 600 out a turn than a 1000.....
  12. Im not looking on ways to keep a marriage together, just wanted to know if people see the need to still get married instead of just being together....
  13. edit****when I say people being happy just being together I mean in a relationship but not married.
  14. I often think alot about these two topics....do they still exist in today's fucked up society? With divorce at an all time high, can people just be happy forever just being together? DISCUSS. I for one believe in love. Marriage I feel is something that is rushed into by most. Wether it is them being too young and nieve...or a baby on the way...we live in a society of instant gradification. Not long term investments.
  15. I was supposed to learn how to snowboard this year. I hope it still happens.
  16. Linc5.0


    they said sports people....softball and bowling are things I can drink and smoke during so how can you consider that a sport? Natural athlete FTW
  17. Your prolly right...id pay wholesale n no more
  18. cant let this thread die....i hate all types of bikes and riders. You are all fags....(god im bored)
  19. it prolly doesnt have original gauge cluster. prolly has alot of miles . you can buy gauges on ebay all day and swap them out to make it look like it has less miles.
  20. scott, you just an idiot. the sooner you except this the better off you will be.
  21. thats abit steep on price on that car. i would definately buy for 6800 tops.
  22. i love that they are wearing jeans and tennis shoes on 6 to 9 second bikes.lol
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