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Everything posted by thorne

  1. I've seen him once before and I had a Helluva good time that night,
  2. As soon as i clicked the website I was like this is bullshit marketting. google http://www.firstshowing.net/2008/11/15/roland-emmerichs-2012-viral-institute-for-human-continuity/ w00t It's kinda funny though
  3. http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/02a1cd5743/barack-obama-blame-it-on-the-economy?rel=related&rel_pos=1
  4. I failed at the title ohh well it was funny .
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGoLCva7bZg&feature=PlayList&p=0704B55480867B61&index=31
  6. bingo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhwbxEfy7fg
  7. thorne

    DJ AM dead

    DJ am and that funky drummer travis barker
  8. i cannot and will not hurt an animal over this. my wife has called cat welfair. i feel bad because other then the fact cat piss makes me sick the cats nice and social. almost 2 social
  9. LOL My sister bad a powerwheel i just to rag the shit out of it. broke out swimmig pool with it actually
  10. rape no lube for a non stock car!!!!!!!
  11. I'm waiting to hearr back. He is to old to be declawed .
  12. this event aside last time he did not haave a infection. his box is in the basement which forbids me from using that room. it used to be myy game room. I was stupid for thinking it would not effect me and over the past 3 years on more then one occasion did i have a bad asthma attack:(, BLAH i love animals but i am tired of my health coming second. I got rid of one cat for doing the same thing again 40$ vet trip no uti. He just is not good for my health. i feel bad but i cant deal with it anymore. if some one wants to give him a home I will pay for the vet visit. uti or not I can't take this any more.
  13. btw my typing is worse i broke my hand
  14. its not a vent thing there is a male stray. honestly I can't deal with this . He's been the bet last time and no pee issues. I want to be able to go to the basement again. This is just the last straw. I should have never got a cat.
  15. My mainecoon mix cat is 4 years old and recently has been peeing by the door. His cat box is always clean as he has auto one. The urine triggers my allergies and i can't take this. So if someone knows a place i can take him who won't euthanize him let me know. He gets along With dogs and is super social. I hate to do this but my health is important too.
  16. Lots of play. So I wonder what they would so If I spray painted it tehehe.
  17. It's hard to put 400whp through the T5 =)
  18. That is awesome. I heard that on E85 they made more power. I was really curious .
  19. Atleast i sounds like it was not the cr member at fault.
  20. Why would a S2000 waste it's time on a f150? I swear I've seen that plate by my office
  21. I think it's complete bullshit personally. If ANYONE on here did the exact same thing we would have got racing tickets we would have got wreckless ops and if we where lucky we would not spend the night in jail.
  22. AWesome I'll let him know. I'm looking forward to hitting up a yard I've not been to a yard since I was 19 or so. I'm confused about the heads thought it seems like I need new headers ?
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