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Everything posted by thorne

  1. damn dude I want you for president! I say its like this . Unverisal health care in principal is not a bad idea. But I don't want to see dumb bitches like her abusing it.
  2. If I'm paying for you to live then you should not be allowed to add to my bill. +1
  3. 20$ sorry I only have one AGP machine and its not a huge deal to upgrade but hey 20$ =) if not thats cool if you can wait a little bit i can have more omoney but its not payday.
  4. agreed. I'm ok with some Social Services. BUT man this is retarded. Anit like a accident happened. This bitch did it on purpose.It's people like this that make LEGIT people who are using social services of some type to get back on there feet look bad.
  5. thorne

    Weight Loss

    I did lose a bunch of weight playing ddr. one of my pads broke and I've yet to find a time to hook up with darkfarm for the past 3 months to get my new pad. It's my fault I swear this weekend I'm going to hookup and get my pad from him. The other issue I started having was my knee started to really hurt. I'm cutting Diet DP out of my diet over the next week. No one answered about coffee I need my go go juice
  6. http://www.cnn.com/2009/US/02/19/octuplets.foreclosure/index.html This dumb bitch should be held on criminal charges of child endangerment
  7. thorne

    Weight Loss

    I was just about to ask sex hahaha. My wife made me think of it . and its a fun 40 minutes or so. So that counts. SWEET. I'm doing good so far. I love Diet DR Pepper.
  8. DREWL God I want a T-Type . My second car was a 1983 Buick Regal 3.8
  9. thorne

    Weight Loss

    How vigorous should my exercise be? DDR ? Wii Fit? Thai Chi ? can I eat like caffiene pills ? or drink str8 black coffee? But I'm willing to do what it takes I've watched my wife drop 60lbs so far. I just looked in the mirror the other day and I was quite depressed with what I seen.
  10. thorne

    Weight Loss

    I'm having problems losing more weight. I had got to 199 and now I'm back at 212. I'm trying to eat less but I find my self eating to damn fast and not relizing how much I ate. I can't find a exercise i enjoy enough to do . I dunno suggestions? I want to get back below 200 asap. I've been drinking like amp sugar free and shit to curb my appetite and its working so far.
  11. Thats pretty damn funny. I mean shit if I got pulled over and the cop gave me a ticket for going slow and I was breaking the law by street racing i would say thank you sir have a nice day. I know atleast one time a cop gave me a break. I got a speeding ticket for 118mph. Thats it he could have wrote reckless op he could have got me for street racing if he wanted but that was it. I paid my ticket and happly did not lose my license
  12. thorne


    Yeah, its a 2004 WRX 2.0 with an 18g. It has a SPT Intake and fmic sti pinks (Those are coming off needs bigger) exhaust headers . I've personally cleaned the MAF on more then 1 occasion. I'm going to swap mafs friday and see if the problem follows from his car to mine. Other then when the MAf Flakes out the car pulls like a raped ape. The problem has been happening on and off for a while. The car has been down for a bit because he blew a gasket in his headers and had to have IPS put a Flange in and weld it. IPS did a BL test before the car came out of the shop. I had the car for the weekend a few weeks ago and it seemed like to me the car was reading entirely to much air for its build. I'll try and get some datalogs off the car with the MAf voltage.
  13. thorne


    I've got a car I'm working on that is tossing this code. I can't seem to nail down whats wrong with it. It always happens at WOT. I spent 2 hours with the car saturday and could no recreate the problem. Then today it pops back up.
  14. WHAT DOES HITLER LOOK LIKE? Does he look like a jew?
  15. I rember getting all those coupons on your birthday that shit rocked!
  16. and the secret decodes card!!! 24-1 z-a w00t
  17. It lives? but what's this about a turbo??? WTF??? Rob don't use turbos he uses spray. and his own personal bucket of VHT
  18. thorne

    My PC > yours .

    X58 chipset? Please provide more info =)
  19. thorne

    My PC > yours .

    +1. And it overclocks to the moon. Ohhh and if your running a game that does not use all 4 cores it turn off 2 of the cores and overclocks the other 2 for you.
  20. so from what I'm seeing you leaned it out and picked up some power across the board? Also Again I'm dumb on the ls series motors. What'st he dip out 5500?
  21. IF you don't have experiance in tuning and understand what your doing I would suggest paying someone.
  22. Weeds bad? When's the last time you herd of some stoned guy getting into a fight in a bar? I want to know how they can even make those search warrants stick. A good lawyer will make that department look like the toolbags they are. Come on a picture of someone with a bong is not proble cause. I can go to campus right now buy a bong pack it up with tobacco that I can buy right there and smoke it. It may look like I'm smokin some weed but i'm not. Does that give the police probale cause to search me?
  23. thorne

    My PC > yours .

    The I7 is quad core with quad HT.
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