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Everything posted by thorne

  1. thorne

    Fireworks Crew

    I think I'm going to Rico this weekend. Bnecause I got some jumpin jax and shit
  2. thorne

    WoW crew

    Wow rocks ...
  3. I just found out she was fonfused there only taking thenail. not 1 but 2 infections !!!! w00t came from a funeral to the hopistal. Now I got my lappy and evdo
  4. They are giving her Blood transfusions rightnow because of anemia(SP).
  5. If you can't find a Wimax EVDO isnot that bad. I'vebeen getting 1mbit down at the hospital off of the vdo
  6. Yeah it is for my grandpa sorry, My thought center is really jarbled atm.
  7. I will say I'm torn as part of me says well he was trying to get his shit out there. BUT there are peoplle on this board in the past "LOW BALLIN" CoughBcoughAcoughM. If this person had a history of similar posts with out ever purchasing a thing I would give them 3days.
  8. Shit IPS has mine off so many times Penut can put it back on in (minus bolts) less then a minute. But it is a PITA
  9. Shit who cares about drive train loss when you can have AWD MT's tehehehehe I'm joking btw
  10. You missed the part where I already read it.
  11. No not Dialysis. I guesse K because they did say normal was 4-10. I had not had time to read much online because I've been busy between funeral. They did let me look at them I had no problem. Shit the computer was left unlocked and I could have read everyones but I did not. I also relized that there are way to many security issues with the current setup. They need to have scan cards to login and when the card is pulled to got a new room it locks. I could have trojaned that box and really had a hayday It scared me.
  12. Well the picc is in and they have to remove part of her toe I'm not sure how much but I do know the nail for sure. I'm so stressed.
  13. I'm not a MD, But I'm well read and can read online about the things I see. I grew up with a Mom who worked as a nurse. I read all of her books and have atleast a idea about what I'm looking out. For exmaple her WBC is 28. Thats extremly high. They believe she has a infection in her blood and celllitues or osmething shit i dunno I'm a mess I just got back from funeral home.
  14. I think the speculation and futures trading with no major amount of money down is causinga llot of the issues. I think there should bes ome type of regulation on that to keep poeple from artficially inflating the market.
  15. My wife is up here right now and I would like to ready her chart myself. I am curious howt o get my hands on it or if its kosher to just ask.
  16. Great now they are doing a picc line and saying she has a infection of the blood.
  17. Diabetic yes. They can't even draw blood right now they are going to do something called a PIck?
  18. 35R's atleast on the subbie world are known to run 24+ PSI. I would assume its the same.
  19. My wife went in last night for Cellutlites(SP). Shes all swollen and they can't even take blood right they admitted here. This week is shaping up great.
  20. Hobbz are these the ones I built at glc?
  21. Yup I AM . still faster then 90% of the shit on the road. New motor forthcoming.
  22. WTF Why are people so fucking uncooth? Family is fucking fighting over excutor of the will. This is fucking lame.
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