I usally have them in these little pill containers. It scuked. I was up and down all fucking day. after 4 T pm's I just liad there awake but nonfunctional. Yeah from this point on I will be 10x more careful
Yeah, I take an allergy pill that wires me.
I take stomache pills
and these ones called I'm not Going to kill anyone today.
, When grabbing your medicine do not accidently grab you nighttime pile . Instead of my regular pills.....
I ate a fucking pill to keep me awake..........
I followed it up with a few t pms after failing to make myself puke.
Doh I feel horrible.
Anyone else ever do someting stupid like this.
Scott Maybe you missed the whole I was on the bike part. You honestly think a Impala SS would have a chance. I raced a damn ls3monte SS in my monte and beat it. dig and roll.
this was no plane jain this thing sounded evil. I thought it was a grumbly 4 at first I just could not tell because of the wind. A regular CTS wont touch the wrx I'm pretty damn sure.
I listened to some clips of the V and it sounded very similar from what I could tell.
#2 I did race andrews white SC vette and it was close till 100. so I don't see why a stock V would be to much differnet.
I let of @ 135+ tried to llok over but it was wendy as fuck.
On the way to work I was playing a little bit with a Black 4dr (I'm pretty sure it was GM)
It was really small, It had a very raw exhaust. Now the reason its a big deal is it ran from 60-135 with me only putting a couple cars on it.
It newer but I'm clueless.