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Everything posted by thorne

  1. I wish I was drunk or something. I just feel blah. Drag strip wears you out. and rides in 10sec93's mustang should require admission. That shit was some of the most fun shit I've ever done
  2. wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
  3. And thats how fed ex gets it there over night.
  4. WRX!!!!!! might even fight a sti I'm not sure what they cost right now. Once you drive on in the snow there will be no other option then subby for you. My 13 sec car can be driven year round.
  5. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/worldnews.html?in_article_id=484313 wow, Thats scary as hell.
  6. And I can't seem to stay awake
  7. thorne

    Biker Down

    I was curious if anyone knew the guy and girl that went down on 71 By 36/37 yesterday. Me/spln/allwheel were 2 cars away from the wreck, The guy looked pretty banged up. I was just curious is he made it. He went down pretty hard it looked like the bike was in bad shape and he was lid less. I did not see his face as there was a crowd and I don't care to see gore. But it ended up being a 3 car + 1 bike wreck.
  8. My car was a whore . Amy's Best time 14.3 Spln's best 13.6 Linn's best time in the WRX 13.51 @ 98.x Colt's Best 13.6 linn had beat the piss out of my times in the morning (I was getting 13.6's-13.7's) I spent the day letting linn drive a bunch of passes trying to best that time because we were damn sure it had a 13.3 pass in it. the power was there it was ether bad launch or 4th gear. In the afternoon after dealing with the heat (pulled timing) I retuned the car and ran some passes of my own again. 13.6 First LAP 13.5 Second Lap 1.8 60' 13.491@99.03 Third lap and I was hotlapping my intercooler was on fire but I finally figured out how to shift the 3rd gear. A full 3tenths faster then last time. My best 60 was a 1.59 My fav was Colt Boostin . He lost 20$ to me as he did not get the 13.5 he expected in my car.
  9. http://bamb.ohiogaming.net/thorne/pwnd.JPG Apparently with everyone looking in my car no one found them, Get all the way to pizzahut on the westside, Me and allwheelslow decide to fuck with him and tell him we found them under the mat. Well he looks we get a good laugh I climbed back in the car to check 1 more time. Boom there it was in between the seats close the seat rail
  10. thought I would ask, I've pulled some goofy shit with it but that was snow I had fun digging poeple out last year.
  11. Let me paraphrase for you. Today, I drag a volva down the 1320. You are prolly the only person there I can beat
  12. Do you think a WRX could do it ? If so I will come down.
  13. I don't run my 10.4 @ 189 I blame the track. CyA in the morning. Bring some 20's guys
  14. It's hard to say i know what I would do personally and thats why I'm not a cop.
  15. yes we do support 3rd party modems my suggestions is dont as we will do it free . Its better to use ours as we update are firmwares to fix bugs
  16. thorne


    ping me 6387904, I might be able to meet up depending on if i got the car tour apart.
  17. There is a great cooper lot some of us had a blast last year.
  18. My point is still valid you could reach somet ype of scrfutiny for no reason and then deadl with bs you should not have to. Why dont you watch the ron paul video he discusses we dont need to lose liberty to reach freedom
  19. my point is wrongful perscustion is my main point. And basedon things I found one could wrongly perscute you. BUT atleast I am pretty sure your not doing anything wrong. But public data let me infer this what do you think some private data could add to that? I don't understand what makes you feel that the more info they have about everyone the better. It justmakes no snese since the trackrecord shows they've failed before and more times they've hurt innocent people.
  20. see, the piece you keep missing is im not worried about a complete gustopo society I'm worried about wrongly being persucited. As I said you may be cleared to enter the pentagon but you will not get TS, If you have it now I could contact them to have it removed based on 1 thing I found pubcliyl what do you think private poeple could find?
  21. But there is much more tim, If you say its ok I will post everything i found thats suspect including some things that would disqual you from being abel to get secuirty clearance and possible "Long shot " but suspection things Again I'm being nice and not posting it, But everything i mean everything I have was public info. Now lets think how much more I could get private. I just wanted to mkae sure you understood I used non of my personal resources. - My parents are cops - My friends work for DOE/DOD I will say right now I have things I know that you might not want public hence why i am asking if you care. But my point is the info I found is not a simple speeding ticket. AGAIN I ONLY ONLY ONYL Used publicly accesable things to gather all my info.
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