I think is funny you jump down ron paul but will back a tool. Go read on mister rudy, He is a huge bush supporter. He don't give a fuck about civil liberties. You think the president has no power. You sure of that, Why don't you go read the news a bit and get back with me.
Hitlery sucks
Obama is not all bad, I'm curious how many people hate him just because he's not white.
Rudy so far has lied directly to people face on the campaign trail. He's not versed on any of the major intel doucment but durring the debate he quotes them like he's on ball and people clap. Yet Ron paul atleast read the docs.
Ron paul's major feature is he wants a simplier goverment. Ya know you could argue that by becoming a police state we create more jobs.
Where would I go? The candaian dolar looks good, As a cable engineer there are quite a few jobs for me up there. I'm not saying its what I will do for sure but I'm not down for being in more wars.