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Everything posted by thorne

  1. I can attest to this, I've had a Discetomy and prior to it and after I was on OxyCotin for 3 + years. When I was no longer in pain I kept taking them for a good month because every time I tried to quite I felt sick.... One day I got pist flushed the rest down the toilet.. 1 day latter I was in a ball on the floor sick as hell. This lasted for 3-4 days.
  2. So should Liquor also be outlawed because it makes people Stupid Lazy Violent Rapish
  3. John For President? I don't see why they haven't done this yet. It's proven safer then alcohol. When's the last time you heard of someone getting stoned and starting a fight??? +
  4. If you want to throw your vote away sure.
  5. I don't quite see 100K as rich so your statement doesn't really apply.
  6. Your right the economy is just so fucked up right now thats why I've hired so many engineer in the past 12 months my team has grown by 50%. Anyone with a education and that understand the issues would vote against the GOP because the GOP don't give a flying fuck about us. They care about those making 500K+ :no:
  7. Don't take this the wrong way but I really wish you could live the life of someone who's had everything destroyed.... Until you've done that you really don't understand... You talk about leeches and all this yet when I got laid off I was able to survive off my own savings for about a year doing side jobs and what not.
  8. So you Jerked a guy off and then patted him on the back... No happy ending?
  9. @ 40 seconds makes me lol and for the LULZ ERB
  10. Its the perfect example of someone voting and they don't know why. Here's the thing as people become more educated as a whole people tend to lean towards liberalism.. Why because taking care of your own isn't a bad thing unless your the guy that's not going to get a 2 million dollar bonus next year. Republicans better learn to fly a new flag or there done in the next 20 years because one of there heaviest voting bases is DIEING and there second heaviest voting base is also dieing(Religion). When those lose those people there fucked.
  11. okay tim keeps tossing around that Obama's voter are supossdily stupid. How about you take a look at the Southern hilbillies who vote for republicans because of JESUS..... It goes both ways. @Nurkvinny the facts are the main reason I could never vote for romney. I don't trust him for a damn thing because he flips so much.
  12. Fixed Hydro \ seed \ co2 \ fan \ light
  13. your fucking stupid. My cost of health insurance is EXACTLY THE SAME this year and my coverage has went up and preventive medicine is free.... Use FACTS instead of half assed generalizations. ( I work @ Chase and have the highest coverage plan they offer) If you have private insurance the follow is true... Can no longer waste your premium on CEO salaries and overhead costs Must use at least 80 percent of your premium for health services and improving care Has to justify any hikes to your premium before an independent panel—helping keep your rate down And, insurance companies can no longer put a lifetime cap on the amount of care they’ll cover, or cancel your coverage over a mistake in your paperwork—and by 2014, no one can be denied insurance due to a pre-existing condition Cancer Screenings are FREE Womens exams free
  14. Not sure if real or sarcastic
  15. I know on the private IPS rental it was prepped fully, Also various cr track days in the past have had them prep more once we were there . If all goes well next year I'll gladly toss some money down to find out what my new toy can run.
  16. If i wanted to inspect your backups for data integrity how would I obtain such backups
  17. Also at the same time Is it fair that they Pay a smaller percent then I do of there income??? I don't think thats fair at all.
  18. Meaning you can't take federal spending into account when making your decision for president. You have to look at the social and science issues in which case Obama is winning because he actually gives a damn about the middle class and seems to have a far bnetter grasp on there needs then Romney... He's already said he doesn't give a flying fuck about soilders and others who are just leeches and don't pay taxes... Romney's plan as currently outlined Will total fuck the federal governments budget because he's trying cut taxes on the wealthy....... Again we come back to Compounding interestesk mathematics. If I have EVERYONE a 10% tax break guesse what those does to the high end.... They see a much larger impact. 10% of $100$ is $10 10% of $1000$ is $100 10% of $10000 is $1000 10% of $100000 is $10000 Do you see how this works now?
  19. Again what part of increase are you missing? So your telling me if Romney comes in he's going to NOT increase the deficit? Are you high? Every single president has increased spending it just so happens that the dirty liberal has been more CONSERVATIVE in his spending increases then any other recent president!
  20. Here's a picture for you to help you out. http://talkingpointsmemo.com/images/slowest-spending.png
  21. PDQGP are you stupid or unable to read? What part of SMALLEST INCREASE IN 60 YEARS are you missing? And please tell me why the healthcare reform is going to destroy us??? Stop throwing terms around with out facts your a smart guy ... Use your brain
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