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Everything posted by thorne

  1. I'll take all your unwanted free copies.
  2. what where they thinking? Do you own a android or iphone? If so you know exactly what they where thinking.
  3. and it llets you upgrade a Hacktivated windows 7 ....
  4. Bought it and installed it . Its different
  5. http://i.imgur.com/yxbi9.jpg thats a scary pic
  6. yeah I just bought it. 9minutes left on download
  7. WTF why would you want AOL http://cdn.iwastesomuchtime.com/5192012043239windows8vsaol.jpeg
  8. I've tuned a few boosted 4.8's they arent bad motors. http://www.hotrod.com/techarticles/hrdp_1109_stock_gm_ls_engine_big_bang_theory/ plus there's that fun article were they made 1000hp on a 4.8
  9. nzbmatrix + sslnews = win
  10. Blow my mind, I've taken quite a few client cars down the track to show them what there car could run after they ran really poor times. But otherwise I don't understand this.
  11. seems like most of those cars have a shit ton of miles
  12. Ms3's are great cams. If it's tuned by someone whos good the car should not lug below 2000 like you typically see. If you do get the car tuned and it does bring it to me I'll fix the low end up for ya .
  13. The 3.6 DI camaro was unable to sustained FP on a 400whp application and atleast 1.5 years ago we didn't have any pump options. That's all I'm saying Otherwise I welcome our new DI overlords.
  14. My buddy who uses PNC and is local just had his CC# swiped some how. He never used his card online. Who ever did it even cloned his card and was buying stuff localy. He was able to get one of the stores to agree to give him there CCTV from the day the card was used.... Crazy shit
  15. My WRX was also AWD and with Z Rated tires it was a drift machine. Yes i could get around but it was a sketchy ride. I always switched back to H-Rated All seasons for the winter.
  16. DI I hope the aftermarket creates some fuel pumps that can keep up with TT applications
  17. Romney's Magic tax plan bothers me because he wants to cut taxes by a huge amount and "Close Loop Holes" He's never really detailed what those loop holes are. But he claims it will work our better. Romney's also very much out of touch with the struggles of the common man. I really don't feel he would make decisions that are in our best intrest. Romney's claims about making jobs are a joke as in one breath he says It's not the goverments resposbility to create jobs while next claiming he's going to creat millions of jobs..... Really? Romney's name should be FlapJack because he flips back and forth so much
  18. I'd put a over drive pulley on the Alternator as I've seen lots of underdriven c6s that are unable to charge there battery at idle. (12.0volts and less). Otherwise good luck with your build!
  19. Does the 400 not support PWM ?
  20. I must be lucky because I don't seem to have that many door2door people. Last one was a Jesus Freak and I told them I was a atheist and they looked at me shocked tried to share the word I asked them about a few off the cuff verses and they walked away.....
  21. don't you have a 57 chevy to be converting into a boat
  22. I'm down as a skeptic I'd love to hear the tale from a skeptic . Can my wife come if she feels up to it? Idea of the total walking distance ?
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