im in the market for a new helmet. love my shoei helmets, but thought i may venture out into different territory. arai, and suomy helmets dont fit my head well so they are out. shark helmets are ok, but they are a little to narrow for my head. although i really like the white and carbon one pony has i have been researching AGV and Nolan X-lite helmets i have only tried one AGV on, it was one they had at pony a while back, it was a rossi replica deal. fit pretty well, but it was a little heavy compared to my x-11 the nolan x-lite ive never tired on let alone seen one in person. anyone have an AVG ti-tech, gp-tech, or grid? how does it fit in comparison to a shoei rf1100, rf1000, x-11? anyone have a nolan x-lite? i know its a stretch, but just wondering.