well me and the wife decided to head down to see my father this weekend and join in on a ride with him and his wife, and a friend of his. we started out in marietta, and made our way into WV. our stop point was Marlington WV. the roads in WV are amazing to say the least 85% of the time there was no traffic, no gravel, and perfect roads. some of my favorite roads are 20 before buchannon, and 50 before marlington. 20 was a consistant overlay of switch backs that were pretty technical. alot of off camber, and reducing radius twisties. i was constantly moving on the bike and in and out of gear changes. The viffer loved the road.... and surprisingly the wife did as well. no chicken strips left now! i almost got bit by a rattle snake lol.. coming in to a tight off camber left hander, i saw what looked like a tar strip... after the lead bike went past it it moved! then as i was in my lean it jumped up at me mouth open and hit me in the leg. kind of crazy! anywho.. some spots we saw.. insane asylum in weston Snow Shoe black water falls windmill farm big satellite (radio??) dishes cass Seneca rocks some cool local stores it was a great time.. and we logged right around 900 miles.. definately need to order that sargent seat now! ill post some of my favorite pics.. but here is the link to the photobucket so you can check them all out