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Posts posted by dustinsn3485

  1. I'm not in the field anymore and living nowhere close. I got out because of the pay. I enjoyed wrenching, really I did. I saw that I was never gonna get rich working for somebody else as a service tech. It's a great opportunity I'm sure, I can only hope the pay scale has gone up though.

  2. I hear ya Ben, would like to light the fire around western Ohio again like a few years ago.

    The wife and I do the annual Little York Tavern meet, but with it being put on in March it usually doesn't give folks much of a pre/post meal ride option due to shitty weather conditions. I'd like to host the Dayton route ride again ( Rt 350 / Ft. Ancient area ) but between my work/band schedules eating up weekends, it makes dedicating time every month next to impossible. Been a season or 2 since we last went riding down there, but last time we had a decent dozen or so riders show up. Too bad Porky Capones BBQ in Lebanon closed up, it was a good after-ride bbq meal stop to hang and chat at.

    Might throw a handful of our Piqua DQ rides together this year, but my route needs finess. Not a lot of good riding in Miami/Shelby counties without long drawn out periods of flat straightness to suffer between twisty sections.

    Brandt knows most of the route I use to run, but I can draw up on Google the route I use to do when I was hosting ride nights up there. We all run about the same roads, but there may be something new or different.
  3. I always seem to end up going out in Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. I've never had a problem with any of the crowds. The deals are always good. I think total I've saved somewhere like 70% combined on everything I've bought.

    I worked Friday and went out on my way home, so the morning crowds out for the crazy deals were already gone.

  4. Don't have a recommendation for you, but I would tend to shy away from anyone recommended by a realtor. The incentives are too closely aligned to warding taking the path of least resistance to closing a deal.

    The inspection period is basically reopening negotiations on your home. You want a report that is very nitty. Leverage is very much in your favor from this point foorward, so ask for a lot of cash concessions. Most people don't take full advantage of this, I feel.

    Lemme tell you a word about that...

    First I am a dumbass for not thinking of what bloodninja said above. When I bought my house, my realtor had been awesome the whole time. Her husband is an inspector and of course she recommended him. Oh and the house that I found, the selling realtor was from the same office as my realtor.

    Any combo of the above is bad, my situation really ended up sucking. On the positive side, six months later...I'm almost able to move in.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Management is late letting you in the building do you:

    A. Set the alarm off and go in.

    B. Shit in their park spot.

    C. Go home and tell them you thought the shop was closed for the day.

    I am considering B. No cameras :D

    D. Be a smartass. Ask for a key and alarm code since they can't make it in by the scheduled start time.
  6. I just bought new Olympia gear. It's the three season stuff and I'm very pleased with it so far. I considered hi vis, but man it's just so bright. Went with light grey with reflective stripes.

    Done about 1200 miles with it so far and am pleased, it breathes well on a warm day and on a 55 degree evening I put the thermal liner in and stayed toasty warm. Haven't gotten to try it in the rain yet.

  7. Coming back to Ohio?

    Oh, no. I've bought a house down here and have a new job lined up already. Life is going good down here!

    Getting better every day being out from under the control of that habitual liar. Three others resigned with me and one retired all on the bosses birthday. He was speechless and beyond pissed. I feel like the five of us were the ultimate F-you. It's a day I'm never going to forget.

  8. I do so today. I called my boss into the office, laid down my resignation letter, told the boss he's a liar whom I have no respect for and walked out on my terms, I offered my two weeks as a courtesy, and he said don't bother. He's not aware of the damage he has caused himself yet. Taking 4 other people with me is the ultimate F-you for that company.

    • Upvote 1
  9. Is it 36" wide? I'm in Nashville, tn. All my family is in Dayton though.

    I'm not opposed to spending money, I've actually budgeted about $1400 for one. It just seems like to buy something decent, prices start around $2200 new.

    There is an inexpensive premier line at Lowe's and home depot, but reviews are poor. I'd like to find something nice and that's going to last me awhile.

  10. I need a 36" gas, lp, range.

    Those suckers are hard to find for anything short of really expensive.

    I'd like to have a griddle on the stovetop. It looks like stainless is about my only option. Does anyone have one, or know someone that does, or know of an appliance places that sells them on the cheap?

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