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Posts posted by dustinsn3485

  1. My bike has never tried to stray. We have a pretty good relationship...

    I keep it pretty simple. Harbor freight wheel chock. A couple soft eye loops on each handlebar and some ratchet straps. If I'm going any distance I'll put a strap on both rear corners.

    Been doing it for years and never had an issue. I put just enough tension on the front to keep it from moving side to side, I don't like compressing the forks more than necessary.

  2. Bike runs over 220 in the summer with fans going... They run constantly when it's warm, bike is around 217-220 while riding and high as 228 sitting

    Are you running stock coolant? Change out to engine ice. My bike always ran over 200 out there until I swapped out to engine ice. After the swap, on interstates I was back into the 185-190 and city stayed around 200.

    In traffic and at stoplights the fans came on.

  3. I'm gonna side with IP this one time. While the bandit may be inherently lean, it still should idle without use of choke.

    The idle knob, as stated already adjusts the idle. Do this after the bike is sufficiently warm and with the choke or fuel enrichener completely off. Most bikes should idle around 1200rpm+-.

    Your choke or fuel enrichener is for cold starting and should only be needed for really the first 2-3 minutes at that temp.

  4. Find a truck or dealer, they'll replace it with the closest tool to it that is currently made. I deal with snap on every week. Mostly browse at this point, but they've stole a little bit of money from me over the years.

  5. Okay guys help me out, having never been there. Is parking like going to a Indians game, you just find a spot with a guy close to the place charging 20 bucks then walk the rest of the way in? I see emptiness around the track on google maps, is that parking?

    That's what I've done the years I've gone, usually I parked at a church about a .25 mile away on the southwest side of the track.
  6. Yeah, I was really surprised with how low this guy was...kind of figured it was a scam. Turned out legit, guy said he doesn't know anything about bikes and had lowsided and scared himself. There is a bit of body damage, and the right fork if you look closely is bent. But all easy and cheap fixes.

  7. I'm using amplirider on my bike also. I've got my GPS and a passport radar detector on mine. I forget what the ear buds that I'm using are. They work awesome as an ear plugs and I get all the audio from both devices perfectly.

  8. Came upon this a few weeks ago on craigslist. Been emailing back and forth for weeks with the guy and our schedules finally worked out...2007 Kawasaki Ninja 650r. It's a little rough around the edges, but I got it for a steal.

    I took all the fairings off first thing for a detailed inspection...it looks to be pretty decent mechanically. Could use a couple parts cosmetically.

    Hoping it'll be a good beginner bike for the girlfriend..


  9. I'll use a garden hose with a bucket and sponge for heavy cleaning. Usually I just do a wipedown with microfiber rags and spray cleaner.

    As far as frequency, spray cleaner before every ride. And I do an actual garden hose wash after bigger trips so maybe three times a year.

    A pressure washer seems like a bit overkill for a bike, bit I also don't see it being a major problem. Bikes get wet in the rain all the time.

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