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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. I will continue to breathe just fine out from under Apple's thumb.
  2. $500 iPhone + $300 Android tablet = newly discovered hybrid applephanboy
  3. Oh don't worry my little transparent friend. Adobe will come up with something else which will take hold in the web world and Apple will still be left in the dark.
  4. Although, with Jobs about to take a dirt nap. The new Apple head could come down off the throne and kiss some Adobe ass to get the Flash "issue" fixed. Oh wait....Apple is all powerful and commands Adobe to fix it.... ....when Stephen Hawking figures out there's a parallel universe.
  5. Nav is the least of your worries. They still won't be able to open any site that has Flash on them.
  6. This is me not caring about Inya not caring about Casper caring about an overrated phone that doesn't exist and is make believe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  7. This was on AoTS a couple of days ago. Not my cup of tea honestly.
  8. I have pictures of the last time he got out of site. They are not very pretty though.
  9. It's R1crusher, but you were close. It was good to meet you also and we're all there to learn and help one another.
  10. I wish this event was next weekend....70% rain now. Yuck.
  11. You're not to bright for being so smooth ya know.
  12. You better hope there is tire service there because you are going to need those rains on. And all vaginas should be moist you idiot.
  13. HA! Funny because I actually have full wet gear for hunting, as well as some waders! Are you staying there tonight Marty or are you going down in the morning?
  14. I personally support banning trucks over a certain length on ANY road where by they cannot travel it within their own lane AND said road has a certain amount of normal traffic traveling on it.
  15. I'm kind of glad I didn't book even though I really wanted to ride. 40 degrees and rain is totally different than 70 degrees and rain when riding. But I will have fun staying dry watching you guys!
  16. Found this this morning. Seems like a good price w/ free shipping and no tax. Barska 210 LUM LED Tactical Light
  17. I'll be there either way, but I doubt I'll be riding.
  18. Yup, I have been watching it change all day. It's now set for 47 degrees and up to 40% chance of rain now. I think I'm going to just play photog for the day with Marty and my amateur gear.
  19. At $150 to go ($125+25 for late reg. fee) it's not worth it for me to go to Nelsons. I might come out and shoot some pics or something. Does anyone know if Marty is going to be there?
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