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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. My excuse is both ya skinny ass punk. Hopefully Paul has convinced you into some other color than green since you obviously bleed Yamahahhahhaaa blue. I get the same feeling at the track. Just keep you back to a wall and you'll be fine. If Craig has his "Smooth" going there might actually be some girls at the booth. On this topic though, I read this post by Todd on his forum: Dated 10/8/2011 "I have always been looking to add more tracks into our race schedule, but... We can only get dates at other tracks that are not weather friendly such as March and late October. Those are pretty much guaranteed to be cold and rainy if not worse, snow and ice. I have been asking for years at nearby tracks to give us a date but until a date opens that another group (car or motorcycle) decides to cancel or no longer use that date will it be available to even ask for. We have been stuck in this holding pattern now for the past four years waiting for someone to cancel and us to be next in line. I have been telling guys to call and email tracks to express our interest in coming so that perhaps they will give us more consideration when it comes to scheduling." So it might be worth while for us all to start a campaign to petition some tracks that could be added to the MS schedule for next year.
  2. You're family spends a lot on advertising then. I was told that a large banner with your company name on it was hanging up at the local naked midget mud wrestling place in town.
  3. You'd best serve the match by holding the targets for them.
  4. Don't you have a busy intersection to go play in?
  5. What Nate said. It might not do everything but it will do probably +95% of what you want.
  6. Okay then...$1400 w/ 300 rounds through it. Hhhmmm...looking at the BBoGV I have right in front of me, even at 100% condition it's valued at only $1300. Last MSRP was only $1249. I'd say you're be better off asking $935-$1150 for you rifle. Our snarky ethug might have you pegged correctly with the "overpriced" part at least. The rest is still subject to open debate. Just sayin'. GLWS!
  7. At least I have a legitimate excuse for being slow. What's yours? Let me guess, your mismatched duct tape color is slowing you down?
  8. Yes, that would def. mean a trip to Nelson's. I'm a man of my word, you better be of yours.
  9. I don't know that I can go to every single track day, but I'd be happy to help out Todd in any way possible. Work the show, pre-pay for 4 events or so, whatever it takes.
  10. The turd who wrote the story obviously did not bother to include this information. I asked the same questions also IP.
  11. No one said doing track days was easy, even driving long distances to get the right gear.
  12. It's a toss up really. I will back everyone's statements that the Sidi's are a bit on the narrow side. If I had known that when I bought mine I probably would have gone with an A* instead. The best thing you can do is head to Iron Pony and try on every single brand they happen to carry.
  13. Glad you like the CD J. Hopefully the next time I see ya we can turn a few laps together instead of me playing pit bitch.
  14. Well, apparently the other 96 plus overbooked people didn't find much problem with it. I'm going to blame Teá for the slow pace. And yes, I was only doing 35 and that's why she got mad at me for taking off during the leap frog session. Duh. I'd do the race school and run a few Sundays just to be a back marker and hold you guys up....well Craig and Jinu anyway. It shouldn't be hard to stay in front of you buttercup.
  15. I actually like Gingerman for some odd reason. People were complaining about the seams the entire day we were there and I never had any problem with them. Just like the dip in the last right hand turn. I think Hoblick or someone else was the only person I heard of taking an off track excursion. But I would love to see MS out at Mid-O. Then Craig doesn't have any excuses to not go there.
  16. Three letters for you before you mill that out.... F E A
  17. I wonder if Fox News will pick up the story and put their anti-gun stamp of approval on it as well. Fox News =
  18. Damn it...I still had a few more things to get!
  19. This pretty much sums it up for me: Buckey Firearms Org - O'Reilly Case "In this case, it is also important to note that the behavior allegedly exhibited by O'Reilly was illegal under our previous laws, and is still unlawful under our present laws. Ohio's new law didn't cause, help or allow this alleged criminal to do anything he couldn't have done before the law was modified. And since law enforcement officials say O'Reilly was apparently an unlawful user of a controlled substance, he may not have even been able to have possession of the gun in the first place. Ultimately, this incident just goes to show that no gun control law can prevent someone from gaining possession of or using a firearm unlawfully."
  20. Here's the writes address: dhorn@enquirer.com
  21. I highly doubt I could get Danny to send the journalist an email but that would be beast if he did. I'm going to see if I can get his email address and send him a little something.
  22. I so want to send an email to the writer of the article to make a few points and tell him what an idiot he is.
  23. Oh I agree completely. Take a look at some of the comments on the link I provided. I guess I'll be taking a drive over to Danny Bubp's office to talk to him about how this will be seen in Columbus.
  24. Story is basically this: He was in a bar drinking, had an argument with a "Hispanic" patron. He left and came back shortly after with his Glock .40 and threatened to kill him. His buddy's took him outside and he was later arrested without any resistance. He is a CCW permit hold as well. So here's what I see: 1) we don't know if he was even carrying while in the bar in the first place. If so why didn't he just pull on the wetback right there instead of leaving and coming back. 2) this has absolutely nothing to do with the new law. All it does is make the penalties for taking a firearm while licensed to carry into an establishment and drinking greatly increased. 3) the dude was on the 'roids! Can everyone say "Roid Rage!"
  25. Here's a link to the whole story: Arrest tests gun bar law Read the whole story and you'll find that this "angry leprechaun" had a lot of things wrong with him.
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