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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. LBTS....and someone added another exhaust pipe to it!
  2. You drive a FJ! I honestly didn't see that one coming. I kid. QTF. I had sets of BFG AT's on both of my 4x4 F150's and they always got at least 40k miles out of them and they did very well in the snow and even the light off roading I did when I was hunting. Given the fact that you're going with non-stock/standard sized tires the cost will be more also.
  3. r1crusher

    DBA in Space

    Shit, yes that was a syntax error on my part. Didn't need 'name =' after the order by just the column names. I would have caught it if I were actually running it. I hate joins.
  4. Wait! Jen's Gen3's being on here is for something other than picking up chicks/dudes?
  5. There are some things that just shouldn't be Googled.
  6. Come on Ben....you have to admin I gotcha with that one!
  7. r1crusher

    DBA in Space

    Oh boy, where to start. I understand how the "into" works, but if you notice I wanted to be more specific about that which is being stored and placed into the spaceship table. Thusly, I didn't run the exact same statement you did which queried and then created the table. I merely created the table separately, and then queried it. My failure was not declaring that there was data already within the table (populated by some other means) before I queried it. With the stuff I deal with select * from a table is okay but you are quite correct that in certain circumstances doing such could be bad. And yes, the query would return a list of launch dates of a given astronaut. If you want who's going up when.... select * from spaceship where launch_date = <some date> order by name = '<astronauts_name>' and launch_date I <3 DB nerdery. Does this thread fall under Likwids post of stupid shit found on the net?
  8. I would like to see a Youngstown Snow Shovel smily please.
  9. r1crusher

    DBA in Space

    And on top of the database replication we have to deal with vault (aka file) replication to boot.
  10. r1crusher

    DBA in Space

    Neither, strictly just to have the data in two places for speed and accessibility needs of different geographical locations. Back when long distance network connections were stupid expensive and slow this was their solution. Put a copy of the database local to each place that needed it.
  11. r1crusher

    DBA in Space

    Thanks for the offer Red. I might take you up on it in the future. With what we install and configure using Oracle the distributed multimaster method is always used. No streams or dataguard, just advanced replication. I have a stack of Don Burleson authored Rampant books that I reference more often than I like but they've been very handy. We have written some code and we sell a service for replicated environment remediation. Too many times we've seen database inconsistencies between sites and we never have a good way to fix those problems (short of removing the site and recreating it ). Once we dug into it we found there are some internal procedures that can fix things, but there's always a catch. For us it's the use of LOB objects in some tables....total pain in the ass to deal with. Then you can have package and package bodies that get corrupt or the stupid DBMS jobs fail for some reason and they clients don't know to restart the job and there's 20k transactions pending....uuhhhgg. Such is my life. But I'm start in on learning SharePoint and thusly that comes jam packed with a M$SQL backend. Yippie! And I have some really good stories about Oracle implementations, Oracles "DBAs", and the costs associated.
  12. r1crusher

    S&w m&p 15

    There should be a Zombie Bill which overrules the tax stamp requirement for the over 30 rounds without reloading bull.
  13. r1crusher

    DBA in Space

    You missing something..... CREATE TABLE spaceship (name char(50), launch_date date) Then we can see who's going up when... select * from spaceship where name = '<astronauts_name>' order by launch_date And I bet there's a good bit I could learn from Red. In my line of work our clients could be using M$SQL or Oracle for the back end DBs. And if the clients are doing multisite implementations they have to use Oracle for the DB replication (that's the only one that's supported for now). Got any experience with replicated instances Red? LOL!
  14. r1crusher

    DBA in Space

    It's only SQL for crying out loud! It's not like it's Oracle! LOL!
  15. r1crusher

    Who likes FN?

    This would be my suggestion. I bought mine when they first came out many years ago and put hundreds of rounds through mine, blazer, cci, federal, remington, whatever you wanna shoot. The only time I had a problem with it was with some light hand loads but I didn't make them, sooo. And at that time I paid over $450 for it, so at $380 that a good deal.
  16. r1crusher

    Who likes FN?

    Sorry again, didn't mean for that come off insulting as it def. was not. 2tall is correct, it's more of a full size gun and given your tiny stature you might have a difficult time concealing it. It does have a rail on the front as well for attachments.
  17. r1crusher

    Who likes FN?

    Sorry, wrong. I believe they are all double stacks. And it's only 10 +1 because of the Brady bill. Once that bill expired they started selling them with 16 round mags.
  18. r1crusher

    Who likes FN?

    I also have an FN-P9 and it's a very well made pistol. I think the biggest plus for me is how quickly it can be broken down for cleaning and maintenance. It shoots straight as hell and the trigger pull is always consistent and light.
  19. This trailer is cleaner than most peoples homes. Like everything else he has it's immaculate. The damn lottery is just not cooperating with me lately so I can help Jeff out.
  20. Doesn't count, besides we all know you're his best customer.
  21. Josh, I was never "okay" with it. My opinion has always been the same. Infants that have both sexual organs have had some level of abnormality occur as a fetus. There are any number of things that could cause this, but it's typically due to something that didn't occur naturally. These cases are rare and not exactly what we're discussing or rather how I'm a hateful ignorant person possibly. I don't buy into the whole "soul" thing, sorry. It's a choice in it's most simple form, albeit one that can be shaped by outside influences, it's still a choice. I have/had friends there are gay and that's a choice they made. I still feel that they should not have kids.
  22. Oh shit. My bad, didn't read Jeff's listing closely enough. I did look on some of the other race forums and didn't see anything for sale right now though.
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