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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. Jbot is going to have a very special camp fire raping Sat. night it looks like.
  2. All this talk of tools is going to make Jbot pitch his rainbow tent as pass out invitations for a slumber party Friday night.
  3. Done. I'm in and paid for, Open group. I usually get there around 7am on Sat. so there should be plenty of time to pop the old one out and put the new one on. I figure 10-15 min. tops to do it.
  4. I would sign up today but I have to find someone with a chain tool so I can install a rivet type link. So unless I find someone with one before that or someone can guarantee to bring one on Sat. I won't be signing up now.
  5. My offer of $300 for Abi still stands, just let me know when you want to get it done.
  6. I <3 Kiggy74 Nothing like a 5th ball bustin' post (because you were even if you say you weren't). Let's see what the red headed step child has to say about it.
  7. Found this in an email this morning, looks like there's only 2 left in stock but thought I'd pass it along anyway. Price is about $10 less than anywhere else for it so. Smith & Wesson Micro 90 Compact LED Pistol Light with Rail Mount
  8. Good to know, thanks for the info. This will at least give the weather idiots to decide if it will rain or not.
  9. Well, I'm going to keep an eye on the weather now and if it looks like it might improve I'll sign up.
  10. Shit...Sorry I'm still tied up. I'd love to see the look on the guys face when all of NEO OR group pulls into his drive way. Some peer pressure could result in less cash out of pocket. LOL!
  11. Please take all ghey comments to the appropriate thread below: http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=81944 And don't forget to vote please.
  12. I'll probably be doing stuff until about 2-3pm tomorrow. After that I could probably take a look see at this "golden egg" as Justin called it.
  13. I'm close to Midway Mall, have my CCW and would be happy to look over the bike and be you're "friend" for the meeting. I'm not busy and I can meet you out there no problem at any time. PM with my number heading your way.
  14. Well unless you're about my age then you're still a necro.....and I know for damn sure you're about half of my age. To the back of the bus with you boy!
  15. You do like to go around slapping you meat on shit. Hell, Jbot's dog isn't even safe.
  16. I'll more than likely get signed up for this even this weekend. I'll be in O/I group with all the other back markers.
  17. All engines in general will run better with cooler air. It's just natural that they do. The cooler air is denser and when an engine has a better charge of air it will just run better and make more power. If it runs okay under warmer conditions it's probably fine and you're just noticing it taking advantage of the cooler air is all.
  18. Funny, that's exactly what Craig said to Nick when he asked him to turn around and grab his ankles.
  19. QFT!!!! Nothing pisses me off more than stopping at an ATM or calling customer service and HAVING to make a choice to get ENGLISH PROMPTS! This is not Mexico and I shouldn't have to pick English every damn time I want to do something.
  20. Wow....Andy is still close and a couple more votes could dethrone Nick. I personally don't see that happening. And SCJ was just a trick option to keep everyone on their toes.
  21. I just made this easy for you gals. A poll has been added, vote away! You're welcome.
  22. You people need to figure out who the ghey leader is in that pack. Is it Apch? Is it Dubguy? Is it SJC1000? Just pick the homo queen and make the final announcement already.
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