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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. But they do give head. BOOOM!!! CHECK PLEASE!!!
  2. While those words are important to hear, it doesn't change the fact that there are 5 more days of racing/track days on the calendar and the management at Nelsons will probably still not lift a finger enough to flip Todd the bird to his face about fixing anything. I hope Todd has more pull there than he's had in the past because they always find a way to fuck him and unfortunately us in the process.
  3. I think I e-hurt Jeff's e-feelings. I'm sorry, Jeffy. And I'm glad you admitted that drugs are bad, finally.
  4. Soooo...she had a bad day at home? Not sure how this is related to all the mess at the track, but drugs are bad....Mkay.
  5. Oh I tried to find the link but without a name it's kind of like Juni trying to find Brandon's nuts..... ...for his rear sets on his bike. Sheesh...some of you are just wrong for thinking something else.
  6. So just copy and paste it you intwebz noob!!!
  7. I think it would hold up perfect here. Remember they are replacing up to 50% (I don't recall the exact ratio) of the stone with rubber. It should shrink and expand better given the rubbers properties add to the mix. Again, the video is over 4 years old and I'm sure the technology has advanced and further testing has been done.
  8. Sorry, Brian. Didn't mean to burst your bubble there.
  9. I totally disagree and still believe it's BS. Here's a TV program more than 4 years old about reusing tires for paving. You say it will cost millions to remove them and I say they have all the material they will ever need to repave the damn place. It's all BS.
  10. Come on, man. I think there's a lot of BS flying around about the costs to fix that place up. It should be cheap to buy given it's condition. As for the EPA and the tires, find a place that will shred them onsite and reuse the shredding for the new surface. There's lots of ways to clean it up, keep the EPA off their ass and make the place better.
  11. Putnam round...there's only one on the calendar that I see.
  12. They will care when we get orgs to start cancelling their weekends there. Then they have one of two choices to make: 1) fix the shit permanently or 2) sell the place to someone that will. As a car/bike/house/etc. owner I expect things to wear out and need replacing. Tires, brakes, roofs, etc. If I were a track owner I wouldn't look at it any differently and neither should they. They are selling us on a properly paved and safe environment but they have failed miserably doing so for several years. Management WILL care when people stop going there. They have a huge stash of money because they certainly haven't invested any of it into the track or facilities in decades.
  13. How about we document the track conditions and sit outside the gate letting everyone going in know what they are in store for. And while we're there how about signing a petition to get management to actually PERMANENTLY correct the track problems or we'll work to get orgs to boycott the track. The time for talking has come and gone now only our actions will dictate what they will do. They've had plenty of time and opportunity to fix the track conditions for years. That's just how I see it.
  14. 2nd Annual OR Train Sausage Fest Racing Weekend Sign up now and reserve your sausage before they're all gone!
  15. Who the hell uses Dunjunk tires anymore!?!?
  16. Got suspension installed last night. Working on getting axles and rotors still. Just picked up oil for the new genny and need to get that started and run for a little bit. Still have to do all the stuff to the trailer and it's been raining for several days now here which doesn't help. Still not looking good at this point but we'll see.
  17. My post from the other thread..... Well...looks like the forks and shock are ready to be shipped back! The bad is that I've put off working on the TH because I figured it was going to take so long to get the suspension back. I fail. I'm going to do my best to get the trailer ready but I don't think I can get it done in time. I need to de-winterize it, flush the tanks and do a fully mechanical check of the systems. I also need to to top off the propane, get the TRS installed, new genny arrives tomorrow and needs run to break it in a little, stock it with essentials, fill the water tank, and last but not least is setup the weight dist. hitch. List is long and I don't know that I can do it all in time but I'm going to give my best so I can be at Nelsons.
  18. Well...looks like the forks and shock are ready to be shipped back! The bad is that I've put off working on the TH because I figured it was going to take so long to get the suspension back. I fail. I'm going to do my best to get the trailer ready but I don't think I can get it done in time. I need to de-winterize it, flush the tanks and do a fully mechanical check of the systems. I also need to to top off the propane, get the TRS installed, new genny arrives tomorrow and needs run to break it in a little, stock it with essentials, fill the water tank, and last but not least is setup the weight dist. hitch. List is long and I don't know that I can do it all in time but I'm going to give my best so I can be at Nelsons.
  19. You better get there early as there are some regulars that "have spots" but it's all fair game.
  20. I was kidding about cause any physical harm to someone, but you damn better bet that they would be seeing me in the paddock. I ran a guy off in T4 at Nelsons and I was able to get a hold of the guys afterwards. I did offer to help pay for some of his repairs but he didn't want anything and was very cool about the whole thing. I think you should at least man up and go have a face to face with the other person. In the end, it is all just a risk riders take while at the track.
  21. You find and whoop their ass back in the paddock.
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